I don't agree with everything the hippies had to say...I'm talking about the hippies from the 60's....I couldn't share EVERYTHING I own...I couldn't live on a commune either, unless it was clothing optional.....but I doubt I could grow plants, lol.....But everything else they had to say like loving everyone I can agree with, although I can't love everyone....but I can love most people. It would be a better world if we all would atleast try to love and accept eachother instead of all this hating and judging.....and put an end to war. The only time war was ever neccersary, for America, was WW2...Vietanam wasn't....but that's beside the point.
I like hippies. I'm alittle bit like a hippy myself. Most people think I am because of my dress code and really long hair. I don't like labels, though...too confining....I prefer to refer to myself as myself.
And I love animals. I think people that go hunting, or fishing, on a full stomach are sick. That's what serial killers do. Don't get me wrong, though, I love meat...but I would only go hunting if the world had just ended and there was no more grocery stores...other wise leave the deers alone...Animals are adorable and this is their planet too...especially wolves. I love wolves.