What is "Tag" skills? Should I side with NCR or House?
Tag Skills are the three skills that you choose at the beginning of the game, and basically, in the modern games, that just means that they start out 15 skill points higher than your other, non-tagged skills. Role-Playing wise, you can stick to your Tag Skills at first, i.e. if you tagged Guns, Barter, and Repair, then you would focus your level-up skill points on those until they are maxed out.
As for which faction? That's up to you. You have the choice of siding with either House, NCR, Legion, or Yes Man (independent) in this game. So the main questline breaks into four different questlines right after you complete Act 1. I don't want to influence your opinion before you have the chance to try everything for yourself, so just choose which faction you think is best then go from there. If their quests start making you do things you don't like, then you can always revert back to the Yes Man/Independent questline and finish the game that way. But yeah, it takes at least 4-5 playthroughs to really experience the game in full, or at least to experience the main quest in full.