-A shout that increases either health stamina or magica regen.
first word=50% regen
second word=100% regen
third word=200% regen
-A shout that increases either health stamina or magica regen.
first word=50% regen
second word=100% regen
third word=200% regen
A shout that allows you to fly or bounce up in the sky really high
Die Delphine Die- self explanatory 3 worded shout
How about a shout for unlock? 1:Novice 2:Adept 3:Master. Of course, it would be for loot as opposed to theft. If you shout you would obviously be detected haha.
How about a shout to become a random animal? 1: A wolf 2: Sabrecat 3: Snow bear. You could use it to sneak past animals and hunt NPCs without getting a bounty.
A shout to increase vendor gold? 1: 500 gold. 2: 1000 gold. 3: 2000 gold.
So many ideas...fun thread!
How about a shout that allows you to create your own unique spells...or better yet, a shout that removes all shouts from the game?
In case you were wondering, no, I'm not a big fan of shouts. Poorly implemented, and no substitute for spell creation.