It makes me laugh when the mere inclusion of six in a game makes people label it a "six game" full stop. Not that it's just one element in thousands, or anything. We want realism in our RPGs, don't we? Also: FYI,
TESgamerKyle, the "prosttutes" outside Anvil weren't prosttutes. Just to clear that up.
Oblivion's sixlessness freaked me out, to be honest. I'm not talking about actual visible six acts here, but the lack of any kind of sixuality in Cyrodiil's society whatsoever. Made me think I was in some freakish world of robot children or something.
I actually think some of the sixual themes should stay, even if just to a Morrowind standard. It just makes the world seem alive and realistic, imo.
But actual six.. I wouldn't miss it, but it doesn't hurt. As long as it's not immature, ala Fable. And not the kind of "eye diverting awkwardness" that I've seen in many media (hard to avoid. especially when it's virtual).
i do play dragon age and its a pretty cool game but, i don't care how realistic they make the talking scenes or puzzles and mazes, the main reason many people will be getting this game is for the guess what im about to say?.............. the combat
If you want combat, do us all a favour and just go buy an FPS. The reason RPGs are so dumbed-down and one-dimensional these days are because companies take comments like this as representative of the majority.