And you WILL be playing an incomplete game for the first few months.
Even now Witcher 3 is still being patched, patches which are themselves adding new bugs. This is the modern gaming experience, and I don't doubt Fallout 4 will be any different.
And you WILL be playing an incomplete game for the first few months.
Even now Witcher 3 is still being patched, patches which are themselves adding new bugs. This is the modern gaming experience, and I don't doubt Fallout 4 will be any different.
I will be waiting a while before I buy it. The bugs in FO 3 and NV drove me crazy.
I choose to believe in them, come what may.
It wouldn't be a bethesda game without bugs but since they took a little extra time to polish it I'm not expecting huge game breaking things. And if my luck hasn't run out yet I should be fine anyway since I hardly had any problems with skyrim, 3 and NV.
...ok. And who ever suggested it wouldn't?
Even without Beth's reputation for bugs/etc, every single AAA game in the past decade has needed extensive patching. This is nothing new, and I've seen no-one suggest that FO4 would be the exception.
That said, I was able to play FO3, Skyrim, and FO:NV day 1. On PC.
I've never run into a game breaking bug or felt the game was "incomplete". Sounds like someone is just cranky
All games have bugs, some more then others, if I was you I wouldn't jump the gun and say Fallout 4 is buggy, you haven't played it.
Meh, I think people overreact most of the time. I had barely any issues with Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas at release. But maybe I was just lucky.
In any case, most people seem to be aware that the game will be somewhat unpolished at release
Cool story bro.
On Topic: And?
Off Topic (better IMO): The real question is, do you prefer to make your own stock or just buy it in the store. I go back and forth with this issue. You get so much more out of doing it yourself and its comparable in price...but it take so much longer. What are your thoughts.
Keep a rotation of saves and save often, and it won't be so bad.
As for "incomplete", phooey. Bethesda's never been the type to withhold content to sell later as DLC, and at any rate everything they offer is still well worth the $60 in terms of sheer game hours.
Oblivion was actually very stable from release. I would argue its the most stable game they've produced.
Bethesda's not known for making games that don't have bugs...
I've historically been pretty lucky in my playthroughs, though - In Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Skyrim I was able to play the game from launch and while I may hit a minor glitch or two I've yet to encounter anything game breaking for me. (Well, Fallout 3 did tend to have a random crash-to-desktop but if I saved often it wasn't usually much of a problem for me.)
I'll go ahead and play from the beginning - patches will be incoming, as always.
Is it ever complete? How about the DLCs? Since theyre not in yet does that make it incomplete until a few years from now?
Meh... two and a half stars.
Life, death, taxes, and video game patches.
Steam does all that for me, so I'm good.
I am a very lucky when it comes to encountering bugs, i played numerous very buggy games and very rarely encountered bugs which broke my game/made finishing some quests impossible,etc.
So i am not worried about possible bugginess.
All Bethesda games need numerous patches. I've played every Bethesda game at or near release going back to Daggerfall in 1996. They've all been hampered with significant issues, and I doubt this one will be any different. Bethesda develops vast games that do not get the benefit of large scale beta testing like MMO's or muliplayer shooters. They keep the game under tight wraps and that prevents the kind of thorough testing that a game like Fallout actually needs. A debate could certainly be had over whether or not this constitutes paid-betas--but I'm not going there. We all know the game will require fixing--some by Bethesda and some by the unofficial fallout patch team. My only hope is that the game is in a relatively playable state.
I just don't want something like: Surprise! Won't work on Windows 10 for another day or two!
My pants need patching, but I still wear them.
A lot of people say that Bethesda games are bugged at launch but to be honest I've never experienced a game breaking bug with Fallout 3 or Skyrim at launch? So pardon my skepticism.
Aaand... I think Witcher 3 is a bug itself that should be eradicated from this world. Boom.
My first thought was to reply, cool story bro.
Of course its going to need patches.
A) Its a very large game
It has a construction kit, that can break the game in fun new ways.
C) Its a Bethesda title.
As for the game being incomplete for months, I have my doubts about that. Sure some unlucky saps will break quests and get stuck. Others will sail on through with no game breaking issues. For example skyrims blood on the ice quest, first half dozen times I played it, I never had an issue. Then nearly every time since it broke in some way. (At least until the unofficial patch patched it several times)
Sure it will need patching, what game doesn't.
I don't expect significant issues. one said it wasn't going to need patching. Honestly I had more problems with skyrim than I did with fallout 3 and new vegas. Weird.