The thing I would most like to see in TES VI is a true open world. Instead of having linear quests in a sandbox world, I would like to see issues in an open world.
The open world aspect of TES is a huge draw to it, but ultimately you're still doing lines of quests that consist of "go here, do that, then go here, do this"(in general). Instead, I would like to be presented with a set of issues to be solved. As an example, a war. Maybe you join a side. You could be just a lowly soldier, fighting the battles with no say in the direction of the war. Or maybe you would want to become the leader. Would you try a diplomatic route? Maybe you become the leader of a city, and use the city's citizens and guards to fight and creat a third faction. Or perhaps you would assassinate the leaders involved, not taking sides at all. The point is being able to participate in the war in any way you choose.
One paper and pencil GM I've talked to said about creating the story and setting "Consider what the world would be like if the player characters were not in it." I think this approach could be a lot of fun in TES. Have the world and events go in a certain, like a story, then allow the player to influence events. So you get an open world with issues in it for you to solve in the way you want.