Except he never asks "Are you ready?" And the condescending way he tells you to "Be sure to help everyone".
To quote someone I read here humble apologies I do not remember who it was. " Just once I would like to tell Preston "Get going private.""
Reading comprehension.
I said everyone else who gives radiant quests have some variation of that line.
one think is force quest, another thing is what Fallout 4 do, that if u hear something they add what is the person u need to speak with to star the quest.
I really dont mind what Fo4 do since they NPC speak about that "quest" wont said it again
Send Preston to a settlement of your likeing and never talk to him again and you have succesfully solved your "forced quest" problem.
I find it somewhat annoying that so many quests clutter up your quest log. Maybe a better sorting system would alleviate that. In general I don't take quests as something I HAVE to do, I just consider them requests that I may or may not look into.
It's not the forced quests I mind so much, it's the BS time they assign to complete it or fail. I'm perfectly ok with having dozens of open quests in my log, I really resent having to drop what I'm doing because some dumba$$ settler has gotten kidnapped again.
Oooh, a sorting option would be awesome! It would make it so much more convenient if they could be grouped under separate headers (such as the Miscellaneous quests have), such as: Main Story, Minutemen, Brotherhood of Steel, Railroad, The Institute, etc.
Agreed on your second point, but I know that I will eventually tackle them all (unless they are the never-ending ones!)
In my first play through I found myself getting really frustrated with the constant onslaught of radiant quests from Preston. However, I'm not finding them to be anywhere near as irritating in my second play through. It keeps me busy. I've already played through the whole game and done all of the different faction endings, so I'm not as eager to find out what happens next. I think this plays a big part in it. In my current play through I just hit level 51 and I haven't yet rescued Nick Valentine. I'm probably going to be getting that done today though. Most of the radiant quests are easy enough to avoid. All of the BoS people ask you if you're ready for one, and you have the option to say no. With the Minutemen, you can accidentally walk by Preston and pick up a quest. I think this is a bit of a problem that does need to be adjusted. He should be like that BoS radiant quest sources and ASK you if you're ready for another one. Preston and his "I got word of another settlement that needs our help" has obviously become a huge running joke in the Fallout community. And it's precisely because of these questionable game mechanics. If Preston was programmed to ASK you if you want another quest, I really don't think that this running joke ever would have come into existence.
That being said, if you're annoyed by them it really is fairly simple to avoid them. Send Preston to a settlement that you rarely go to, turn off the speakers at the Castle, and don't listen to Radio Freedom. Complete the logged radiant quests but don't talk to Preston afterward. Eventually they'll time out and complete, and you'll still get all the XP for them.
I don't mind, so long as
1) there is no timer; or
2) the timed ones are so rare that they actually add flavor to the game.
Lol, timed quests. Oh man, those poor people. Oh well, they have the same problem next time I meet them anyway, so no bother.
I like lots of quests. Presuming they are semi-intelligent and varied. A full quest log makes me happy. Running out of interesting quests/things to do makes me bored (current state of affairs in FO4, sadly). Endless crappy identical radiant quests are boring and don't count. That being said, I don't like being FORCED to do a bunch of quests that I don't want to, or having quests constantly forced into my log that I can't remove and be done with.
Its the same with the crazy guy in the railroad tinkley tome or something with his mila its so annoying i want to trade not to get more of his repeatable useless quests at least we should have an option to say "jesus shut up man now get going"
For preston i did his first quest kil the radiers at corvega then i said no to the minutemen who are very annoying imo the most useless faction radio freedom broadcast only for you there are 1250 minutemen they cant kill 3 ghouls ? ANd please sanctuary hills asking for help sending you to the other side of the map makes you want to murder all the village wich you cant do cause they are all essential. ITs even worse than skyrim. Was this developped by walt disney or something?
Poor Preston.
Are you ready to help out?
Are you ready to help out?
Are you ready to help out?
Apparently, the MILA Tinker Tom quests are fixed at 11, it's just that the locations are given to you in a random order.
Once the modders are able to reconfigure and rework more of the game, one of the mods I would most like to see would be a 'shut up and just trade with me when I click on you fer cripes sake!' If I have to hear one more time just how glad the gal at the Drumlin Diner is that some raider dipstick is rotting in hell, while I just want to sell her some stupid crap I've been looting for the past hour, I'll be certifiable. That happened a year ago, lady, and you've already told me 1500 times... enough already. Same with all the rest. Seriously need a bypass on that crap.
11 Quests? Whats the point its the same thing over and over again with absolutly no interest what so ever and you have no way to bypass those quests. Same locations as minutemen or brotherhood no originality.
the dialogue system dont let you the choice to just say "no" i mean its simple isnt it?
"Hey desdemona gave me the clearance to set up my atmosphere ghizmo"
" Cool go set it up yourself and dont forget to get killed in the process"
That would have been cool.
I just completed The Castle. I have to say it was extremely disappointing. I really want to elaborate but I don't want to post spoilers so I'll stew in silence. Hah.
After completing The Castle I turned in my previous two quests and he gave me three total this time. I had had enough. So, I completed all three and returned to him back in Sanctuary.
I told him about the first quest and he didn't give me another quest, but something was different this time. The dialog options didn't come up. I'm assuming it's because I completed the Castle quest he was always asking me if I was ready for.
I clicked on him a second time and I automatically said, without bringing up dialog options, that I had completed the quest. He said 'good' and started to give me another quest. I just walked away and kept on walking until I was out of ear shot.
I saw him continue walking down the street so I ran up to him and engaged him and told him I completed the third quest. Again, he tried to give me another quest but I just walked away.
I now have zero quests from him. Apparently, all we have to do is walk away from him as soon as he says something else came up.
After the hundreds and hundreds of hours I have in this and probably a third of that time doing quests for him, it never occurred to me to just walk away. I was always waiting for an option to refuse the quest or something like that. Or is it that, before I finished The Castle quest I couldn't walk away and was stuck in the dialog screen?
So ... I no longer have any quests from him and I've completed the game.
Now I guess I'll just aimlessly wander around?
Build up some settlements?
See if there are any area's I missed?
Wait for some DLC?
How's that saying go ... "Be careful what you wish for, you might get it."
I did all of the MILA quests because I was thinking he would send me up to the ship. But it seems there's no way to get to it once it has moved from it's original location.
As with Silverage, I'm fine with the concept, but I don't like how they are timed, sometimes with consequences if you fail
Currently I am in a playthrough where I left Preston in Concord with the other 4 annoying people.
I feel much more relaxed without him nagging me.
I got to level 15 and got a kidnap quest from one of the provisioners. First one.
I've started a few characters and it seems that when you are sent to a farm by Preston the farmers ask you to
clear the same location every time, where if you find it without Preston you get a more random location.
I've had this happen with Tenpines and Abernathy.....where with MM you would get the same location,
which if I remember is Corvega and some broadcast tower.
Heh, that's fine. Happens to the best of us.
Speaking of Preston, I'm not sure if this is a very nice bug I somehow got, or an actual exploit of how radiant MM quests work. MM radiant quests seem have a certain amount of backlog- four total. Three you get from Preston, and one last one you have to get over the radio or happen to be in the right settlement. Talk to Preston until he gives you generic non-radiant dialogue, then use the Minuteman radio to make sure you've got all the MM radiant quests.
Complete them all, including the speak-to-the-settler a second time bit. Then, turn all three quests you got to Preston, by repeatedly speaking to him.
Now, this is where I might have a bug. If it's not, it's an exploit. By doing this, you should have cleared out the immediate backlog of MM quests. Preston can't give you any more after talking to him, since there's none to give. Now, before the game rolls the radiant MM quests... send Preston to some settlement you don't care about and/or box him up so he can't get out. Because the moment more MM radiant quests become active, he'll tell you about them (which automatically goes to your questlog), even if you walk by him.
If this is about Preston Garvey, yes. Yes I hate that very much. But the story line is a forced quest in its self, and that I do not hate. Not going into much detail for spoiler reasons though I will say, the main story made me very VERY depressed. For personal reasons, and I Loved, And hated it. I thought it was done well to a particular audience but because it was done so well towards that audience, I hated it. So if that is what you are talking about, yes on that as well. But on just being forced to progress through it. No I do not mind that at all. As I don't feel as though it limits what one can do in the game.
-Preston Garvey typed forced - Yes I hate this with a passion
-What the main story forces us to feel when progressing - Yes But I understand it, and think it was well done.
-being forced to just progress the main story - No not at all.