Any clue or help would be appreciated.

I assume you can view and control your in-game Pip Boy on your device without accessing the in game menu, but I might be wrong.
It does nothing that the game doesn't do but it's fun.
I suspect I might use an iPad as a phone screen is rather small to accurately use.
(the person using it in the E3 demo was being particularly careful you might notice)
Personally, I think it will be much more convenient to just use the in-game Pipboy rather than my phone or iPad. That way I'm not taking my hands off the controls to do it.
One feature that might be convenient, is access to the Pip-Boy Game Map. It's an inconvenience to pull up the Pip-Boy just to see where I am on the map, how far I am from where I need to go, and so forth. Sure, there are now some indicators in-game, but I like a visual representation. Beyond that, I'm not sure. Perhaps seeing your Stats/Condition screen to see just how bad you are hurt? We'll see.
Good call. Having a map that i can just look down to instead of having to bring up ingame does sound like it would be useful.
Other than that it's just a gimmick, for fun. Feels like it's mostly for console players, i cannot imagine using a mouse and keyboard comfortably while wearing that thing.
I think it's usefullness will depend largely on whether or not using the in game pip boy is done in real time or not. Have we seen anything on this? If it's in real time I'd personally just keep my small tablet up and on while playing so I can quickly stimpack or change weapons. It's certainly a gimick but I can see it being useful depending on that real time thing
Well, they wanted to make the physical pip boy look and function like the in game pip boy. Obviously putting an actual pip boy interface on it would be rather pricey.. so they created an app for your phone that you can stick into the pip boy. That's why there's an app, As he said in E3, "This is nothing more than a gimmick.. but I think it's one of the coolest gimmicks."
So yeah, the only reason to download the app would be if you wanted to fiddle with the app.. it serves no serious purpose in the game and you don't ever need to actually use it.
Agree and disagree. It's certainly a gimmick and while it won't ever be NEEDED it can absolutely serve a serious purpose in the game. We still don't know if the pip boy is used in real time or not. That to me is a key element that could make or break it's usefulness. Vats, conversations, lockpicking, and hacking were said to be done in real time now. It could be possible looking at our pip boy is done real time as well. Looking down at a screen for a fraction of a second is less than the animation for pulling up and putting away the pip boy. Especially for those back and forth map interactions
Why pause? Just put your phone on a nearby table, or something - prop it up so it is at a convenient height and angle for viewing, and then just glance at it when you want to see the map. Sure, not all functions will be convenient, but who knows what they have done to try to make it somewhat useful? And, you can always turn it into a 2-player experience. "Stimpack! Stimpack! Radaway! Arrrgggghhhhhh!"
Because after so many seconds .. less than a minute I think, of not being used.. the iphone/ipad goes black screen and needs to be touched and my code put back in to unlock it for use.
Personally, I'm probably going to place my phone, with app, just below my main monitor. Easy to glance at, without losing situational awareness, within easy reach, should I need to adjust anything or use it for whatever reason, and I can keep the phone plugged into the USB port to keep it charged. Sure, at first I may use the CE Pip-Boy, but that will likely get tiring fairly fast and so it will become a display piece. Plus, I have "Popeye-arms", so I don't know if it will even fit very well. Crazy family genetics.
You can't adjust that in the settings? I can on my Android phone. Fairly simple. Plus, there are apps that can do it as well. I have one that keeps the phone unlocked as long as I am at home, or any other location I specify.
I don't think so. I find it annoying in the extreme. I can't find a way to turn that off.
It might also play the games you find for the pip-boy. But TBH, I just expect it to sync up items and data with your in-game inventory and stats and just allow you to view it. If it has any other functionality beyond just for role-playing, I'll be surprised.
The app itself might have a "ignore sleep" function built-in...... which means it's just burning your battery time, as you have it sitting there turned on while you play FO4 for a couple hours.
But yeah, the whole thing where you need to look away from your main screen, take your hand(s) off the main controls if you want to actually do anything with it, sleep/battery issues..... seems like just bringing up the in-game Pip-Boy will be much more convenient. Gimmick I might look at a couple times for kicks, but I can't see playing that way.
I've done that with online maps and my tablet for app needed. Now if they do something that will actually be useful while playing, I'll use it, but otherwise it's just pure marketing gimmick.