So I am getting back into the swing of Morrowind after a much needed break and I am looking at bringing my Nord character back to life.
A while ago, I created a Chargen mod that allowed the player to start the game in Solsthiem, as a survivor of a ship wreck.
Now, I know there are a lot of mods out there (heck Ive even made some of them) for Solsthiem that add X ammount of towns without any quests, or a quest with a npc in the middle of no where.
BUT what I am wondering are there any "filler mods"?? Any decent mods that expand upon these following areas:
- Skaal Village - its fun but a bit basic......
- Thrisk - What in the name of all jeebus's armpit hairs is the point of this place once the mainquest is over?
- Fort Frostmoth - Same as above, anything to expand this?
- Raven Rock - I like Raven Rock alot. Anything that can be done with this?
Fauna - anything to exapand upon this??
Flora - same as above
Nords - anything those of use that want to play as a Nord character? weapons, armor, companions, etc....
Now the fun bit.
I Know that there are ALOT of mods out there for Solsthiem but I am looking for mods with minimal conflict and that exapand upon the lore, feel and gameplay of the Bloodmoon expansion pack.
Of course I am going to continue the search myself - but I thought, that by posting here a few mods that I have missed might come to my attention. PLUS it doesnt hurt to share, someone else might want a similar request

Anything I find I will post here, but please feel free to post your suggestions.