This Friday I went to my local Walmart excited to buy the next part in the Crysis series remembering Crysis being probably the best game i had ever played to that date even though there were some glitches. Remembering this great experience I put my money in being $61.50. I rushed home and installed it on my computer a pretty nice one expecting this game to put my computer in the trash. waiting while it installed take probably longer than the first game waiting in anticipation getting the blood flowing. It was done! start up the game Cryengine 3 logo pops up as well as Nvidia ,Crytek and ,EA. this is going to be good.
I see the menu and notice like usual that the screen is mismatch go into options and switch my screen resoluton and go to change the graphics quality gamer and extreme? what the hell is gamer and extreme wheres my aa and texture options wheres my DX 11? I thought maybe extreme turned these on to my later dismay it didn't.
Going on I started the campaign thinking that well it will be good anyhow. i watch the staring cinematic decent i thought but it will get better. Then to my utter disappointment I hear this god awful sound called... voice acting?then I remembered where I had heard this before a indie developer had used voice acting like this with poor quality and emotion but I accepted that because he was non-professional and a novice. I didn't expect crap like this from a company getting millions from this game and from other projects. The voice acting in crysis was brilliant. Good quality, emotion, and a voice you could get to know and respect. But to my disappointment it wasnt like this. I forgave though and thought I would get better.
Then the game play started a i thought WTF is this. pure linear game play where was my choices that i had from Crysis? sandbox game play that was known as Crysis, Farcry 1,2. i stated killing and it was too easy 2 or 3 enemy at most. i started to realize that my money had gone down the toilet. all the controls felt dumbed down like I was playing on a console even though I was playing on a computer. where was my brilliant graphics that would put a gaming PC on its knees and would be a bench mark for the next 3 years? there was none. I felt empty. playing on the game play felt all the same. It seemed like there was choices but I had to go that way anyway. Then I would die where was my saves?
Checkpoints what the hell are checkpoints? I was playing a fps on a computer not a console.
The the gliches started almost worse than crysis. Also the AI if you could call them that where like cockroaches wandering around in circles crashing into walls not doing any thing. the AI in crysis was fine why not just port the code? It felt like a console game all too much.
This game was subpar. because it should have been as good or better that crysis but it wasn't in fact it was worse.
this may be a rant to some of you probably because it is. But don't you think that Crysis 2 should have been amazing not just good or decent? ,but some thing that should have made your blood pump and draw you in through great graphics, game play, and most importantly characters and voices. being Nomad in Crysis was compelling because you had a feel of what he was like and you could attach to it. his team mates were interesting psycho and prophet. being a marine with no voice and no feel to him made him obsolete and could feel that he was going to be killed with his team of marines.
well crytek have fun selling your selfs off to the consoles and thank you for the **** you ported from the consoles. Next time do better because you have done better and put some more into the graphics and stop listening to EA for god sakes.
BTW if you have time please give me back my money it would be nice.
Also give me comments ill even take the ones saying i'm a ass and i don't know **** it will as long as it's the truth.
Thanks for your time,
S. Hart
Shadow Wolf01