Letter to the Editor

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:16 pm

Dear Sir or Madam,

As I travel the land of Cyrodill, I have found many opportunities to gain knowledge in one area or another in my personal development. The Mages' Guild has been wonderful to me, allowing me, a complete outsider, to get trained in some skills.
The Fighter's Guild, however, has not. Stating to me that they cannot help me unless I join as a member. Perhaps this is the reason for the FG's slow demise? They would be able to make more money by offering training services to the general public.
That's just my opinion, as a traveler of your fair land. In my country, all guilds offer all services to all who wants them, or who can afford them.

In Ha Sok
Knight of the White Stallion
County Leyawiin
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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:30 am

As an irregular member of thoust publication Black Horse Courier (irregular only because it has been many moons since the BHC has placed out a new edition, and I am not in the habit of seeking out their words), I have found In Ha Sok's letter both informative and truthful. As a member of thus Fighter's Guild, I have frequently been reminded of their shortfalls.

Not only with lack of training towards non-members, but also with what seems to be a general lackadaisical attitude towards keeping the lands of Cyrodiil safe. As a paladin who do'st things for a higher calling, I find myself put into the non-comfortable position of taking it all upon my very own shoulders, with thou'st Fighter's Guild members only rarely assisting me outside their city walls. There have only been a handful of times Fighter's Guild members have taken interest in questing with me, and they nev'r, ev'r have shown interest in randomly adventuring, seeking out the destruction and eradication of any enemies throughout the land. This is in despite of the fact that I have (in the past) frequently sought their assistance.

No, they do nothing. They stand around their hall all day long, perhaps sparing with one another for an hour or two, but otherwise living a safe, comfortable life within solid walls. They do not even assist the city guards in keeping their town's gates safe!

I havest scrib'd this reply not as a simple complaint, but as hopes for awareness. I am Dyan phor a'Cauz, Fighter's Guild associate and a member of Knights of the Nine. I do not seeketh fame, nor do I seeketh my name to be associat'd with the trappings of such. Every-thing I do, I do'st in the name of Mara.

Should any Fighter's Guild members read this reply (or that of In Ha Sok) and wish to join me in my quests for Good-ness and the Truth towards a better Cyrodiil, you have only to taketh that first step. Out of your safety and your comfort, and prove to the faire citizens of Cyrodiil that you are willing to assist them in their pacification.

~Spoken: Dyan phor a'Cauz, Paladin, Fighter's Guild Associate, Knights of the Nine
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:00 am

Greetings, Editor of the Courier!

I, Lothran of Bruma, also joins this call for awareness of the Fighters Guild′s laziness! As a citizen and honor guard of Bruma, I can′t help but feeling alone out in the wild when difficult tasks are at hand. Numerous have my encounters been with the foul goblins dwelling inside and outside of Plundered Mine which lies very close to the public road to and from the northen town.

To ensure the safety of the general public and as I feel it my duty as an honor guard of Bruma, I have often gone outside the town gates and fought these wretched beings. Alone, you might ask? Yes! No help from the Fighters Guild but a pat on my back as I leave!

Your fine Courier even wrote about this but the Guild′s laziness wasn′t highlighted which is why I write to you now. Hopes are that the Guild I used to serve will straighten itself out if this is brought up to a higher level.


Warlock of the Mages Guild
Warder of the Fighters Guild
Honor Guard of Bruma
Knight of the White Stallion
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:31 pm

The Fighters Guild will only train you to fight if you're a member because otherwise you'd compete with them.
The Thieves Guild will only sell you lock-picks if you're a member because otherwise you'd compete with them.
The Dark Brotherhood will only point out victims if you're a member because otherwise you'd compete with them.
The Mages Guild sells Alchemy Apparatus, ingredients, spells, soul gems. They recharge items for a fee. They don't make a living casting spells or making potions, so you're not competing with them.
And Smiths sell you repair hammers, but their main business is making armor and weapons. They won't sell you tools to do that, or training in it. They should have a Guild, too.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:30 am

Dear sirs:

We of the Cyrodiil Pipers and Fiddlers Guild do take umbrage at the undue attention which is placed upon our Brother Guilds. As we are sure everyone is aware, our guild members provide exemplary service at the funerals and burials of the members of these other guilds, and all for a very low and quite fair price.

Be it known that, for the next fortnight, we will be offering a discount on ceremonies held at mass grave sites, due to the recent Crisis and horrifying loss of life. Inquire at your local PFG Hall for details.

For sale: One set of bagpipes, used little. One small arrow hole need be patched. 40 Gold, inquire at Bravil PFG.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:20 pm

I wrote the letter to the Editor, well, because I was angry that the FG did not offer training services to the general public, yet the Mages' Guild does. I am not competing with the Fighter's Guild. Sometimes, when my character has the coin, he wants to upgrade some of his skills, as we all do. I plan on taking no contract, in fact only helping those who actually need help, Cropsford, Black Brugo, so far are the only quests that he has taken. I just find it strange, with the FG on the wane, that they would not freelance their training services, and pay a cut to the FG, thus helping it along the long term arc.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:21 am

Ghastley: you understand we are in RP mode, right? Ya know..having fun? Things don't have to make 100% of sense all the time.
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:49 am

I just find it strange, with the FG on the wane, that they would not freelance their training services, and pay a cut to the FG, thus helping it along the long term arc.
Agreed. Being in competition with the Blackwood Company, they should really step forward and show their value to the public a little bit better.
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:59 pm

Agreed. Being in competition with the Blackwood Company, they should really step forward and show their value to the public a little bit better.
And they should really be more careful about hitting their practice targets, and mindful of the innocent pipers who might be parading nearby. (I sincerely hope it was an accident. Thaddeus is recovering in the care of the chapel healers; fortunately he was able to dodge most of the arrows.)
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:43 am

Dear sirs:

We of the Cyrodiil Pipers and Fiddlers Guild do take umbrage at the undue attention which is placed upon our Brother Guilds. As we are sure everyone is aware, our guild members provide exemplary service at the funerals and burials of the members of these other guilds, and all for a very low and quite fair price.

Be it known that, for the next fortnight, we will be offering a discount on ceremonies held at mass grave sites, due to the recent Crisis and horrifying loss of life. Inquire at your local PFG Hall for details.


For sale: One set of bagpipes, used little. One small arrow hole need be patched. 40 Gold, inquire at Bravil PFG.

Aye! I haves't seen thee advert. Have the bagpipes clothe design'd with plaid?
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:25 pm

*A crumbled up letter with a drawing of a cookie and a sword sits on the desk*

"What? I can't read or write, the fighters guild needs to give cookies to it's members!" Jericho grins handing the letter to you.
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:57 pm

Aye! I haves't seen thee advert. Have the bagpipes clothe design'd with plaid?

The Pipers and Fiddlers Guild has ordered armor for all members, from The Best Defense in the Imperial City. Henceforth, Iron Greaves will be required wear under kilts.
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:06 pm

Ghastley: you understand we are in RP mode, right? Ya know..having fun? Things don't have to make 100% of sense all the time.
But when I RP, I want the RP to make sense, too.

Dear Editor (may I call you Ed?),

In our guild, we'll train anybody. A trained customer is a better customer, after all. And Juliana specializes in training those who have no experience at all. Ask for her if you bring your sons in.


Madam Tsarrina
Cyrodiil Guild of prosttutes.
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:11 am

But when I RP, I want the RP to make sense, too.

I understand that, and I'm fine with that if that's how you want to do it. But it kinda seems like you're criticizing those of us who don't do things the exact same way you do. am I right or am I wrong?

Now understand, your intention could be nothing the sort...I'm just going from the feeling I get as I read your words up above in response to the OP.

Haven't you ever met someone in real-life who is crazy? Or even a little off-center? Or a little too pious? Or simply isn't in the habit of thinking things through? ...I meet people like this every day at my job. Nobody is perfect., and there's no shame in this for some of us to incorporate such imperfections into RP. I sometimes RP imperfections, and gladly so.

See what I'm saying? :whistling:

:( This is a really cool thread, mplsBigDaddy. Sorry to be a buzzkill.
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April D. F
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:47 am

I understand that, and I'm fine with that if that's how you want to do it. But it kinda seems like you're criticizing those of us who don't do things the exact same way you do. am I right or am I wrong?

Now understand, your intention could be nothing the sort...I'm just going from the feeling I get as I read your words up above in response to the OP.

Haven't you ever met someone in real-life who is crazy? Or even a little off-center? Or a little too pious? Or simply isn't in the habit of thinking things through? ...I meet people like this every day at my job. Nobody is perfect., and there's no shame in this for some of us to incorporate such imperfections into RP. I sometimes RP imperfections, and gladly so.

See what I'm saying? :whistling:
:( This is a really cool thread, mplsBigDaddy. Sorry to be a buzzkill.
+99999999 :biggrin:, Agreed so very much, I could give you a cookie now, but Jericho ate it!

Dear Editor,
The Fighters Guild needs a extreme chance, for to long have my men been called to break up tavern fights that the Fighters Guild Members have started, Even in jail the refuse to do anything that does not involve drinking mead, we at the Imperial Guard can not tolerate this insolence any longer, those Members who pose a threat to the general public will be dealt with, severely. That includes denial of rations,denial of sleep among other things, punishments will grow in severity on repeat offenses.
Let this be a warning for those who want to harm any Civilians in the future.

Sincerely Nale, General of the Imperial Army.

Dear Editor person,
The Greyfox has been killed! Yup, killed, killed dead. Yup

Sincerely, Totally not the Grey Fox.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:21 am

1 Second Seed

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to the flurry of letters which seem to have fired people up recently. I recently arrived in Anvil http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=37382. I had nothing but the clothes on my back and whatever I was able to grab from the sinking ship. As soon as I got into town, I realized that I needed to find a job. I was told that anyone looking for work should consider the Fighter's Guild. I promptly made my way over to the local guildhall to inquire further. I was greeted by several knowledgable, friendly and helpful guildmembers. Within minutes, I was a full-fledged Associate of the guild, with http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=42097 and access to all the services the guild provides. Azzan even had a contract waiting for me that suited my experience. He's certainly a fine warrior, someone I don't mind working for.

I see that there are those who claim the guild won't send its members out to help with trouble. In fact, I know of many who have had mod-erate success in http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=3066. But perhaps those who haven't had such success can console themselves with this: many Defenders of the Fighters Guild have been successful in http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Azani_Blackheart_%28quest%29#Modryn_Oreyn. Apparently, he's an incredible fighter.

Now I realize that joining the Fighter's Guild is not for everyone, but it's great work if you've got the stones for it. For those that complain that the guild won't train you unless you join, I've found that there are other trainers outside the guild in just about every skill that we serve. Take Cheydinhal for example. Pretty little town, but the Count's a dark elf and it's crawling with orcs thugs and gangsters. That Ra'qanar seems a bit shady to me, but it seems he'll happily train you in hand-to-hand combat. And Naspia Cosma is really skilled with her blade. If these people complaining about not being able to train were half the adventurers they claim to be, I'm sure http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Trainers. Then again, maybe they're just jealous and wish they could spend more time hanging around the guildhall sparring. Well, they can; join the guild. You're not afraid of trouble are you?

Divad Cyrus, http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Sword-singer and Journeyman of the Fighter's Guild in good standing, Anvil
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:40 am

Dear Editor,

With a high degree of magical skill, I take no thought for training with weapons. Nevertheless, I did join the Fighters Guild and I am grateful for the little jobs that kept me going through a very difficult time. I can think of no reason to shun membership in this guild unless one is planning to rob or murder one of its members.

I do take exception to one aspect of Guild Hall activities. Each hall has a porter and they are all exceedingly rude. They follow me around, openly staring at me as though I was some criminal. This and the insolent manner of the upper levels of the organization have kept me from any major interest in pursuing promotion within their ranks. Still, there is no pressure on their part to require any more of me than I am willing to give.

Please reassure your readership that there is nothing wrong with Fighters Guild membership that would prevent their own mother from joining.

Marie Elena, Imperial City Waterfront, Cyrodiil
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:21 pm

:thumbsup: Yea, my characters usually can't stand those porters.
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:54 pm

:thumbsup: Yea, my characters usually can't stand those porters.

Oh, those Fighters Guild porters are obnoxious. Even as head of the Fighters Guild you can’t do anything about them. Occasionally I just shoot them to make my character feel better, then shoot all the guild members who attack, then shoot the guards who arrive shortly thereafter, then shoot the… then revert to an earlier save feeling a lot better.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:00 pm

Dear Editor,

I always wonder why the porters always following me around, even when i want to sleep, i consider it as sixual harassment you know...just imagine someone watching you when you sleep...most of guild members are men...maybe they are planning something...or maybe they drug me and i don't remember anything when i wake up...oh no...

Sometimes when i woke up i find out that i am not sleeping alone, there is someone on my bed

Hope you take action and tell the guild to provide separate bed for women member of the guild


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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:48 am

Dear Editor:

I am writing a response to dreamed1, whose letter you published recently. I am a humble, peaceful man. I have devoted my life to upholding the moral and ethical values of a Knight of the White Stallion. In my journeys across your fair land, I have neither the time, nor the inclination to seek out specific individuals for training in a huge land. If it happens that I am in town, I most certainly do look for training, as it can be quite some time before I enter a settlement again. However I was struck by the exclusiveness of the Fighter's Guild, and it seems to be its downfall. I am a knight member and certainly will do no trial or quest, with monetary gains as a final end. If gold is to be made during your quest, is one thing, if gold is the final goal of your trials and tribulations, that is NOT something this knight holds value to.
Now don't get me wrong, I certainly have the stones for it. Black Brugo is dead and remnants of the Black Bow Bandits are in hiding. Cropsford is free to rebuild peacefully, among other things.
In my country, guilds do get work, but they also help the populace. A well-informed population, is a well-prepared society.


In Ha Sok
Knight of the White Stallion
County Leyawiin
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:16 am





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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:38 am

:clap:[Non-RP Mode: I usually run 2 or 3 characters at a time. It just so happens that one of mine right now is quite attached to the Fighter's Guild, as seen above. Another one actually has much...darker...feelings towards the various guilds.]

To the furlicker editor at the Black Horssse Courier,

Ssso the people of Cyrodiil are finally realizing what a wasste of sspace the fighterss guild iss. We all know there's only one guild in Cyrodiil that offers its... unique... sservices to anyone who desires them. Want to make you own sspell? Join the guild. Want to train with a blade? Join the guild. Want to fence your sstolen goods? Join the guild. Want a dirty deed done, dirt cheap? No need to join. Khah, khah, khah. I've been to every guildhall in Cyrodiil, and I mean every one. And what do I ssee? Lazy members sstanding around, talking, talking, talking. Well, except one guildhall that all I see arehttp://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:The_Purification... Khah, khah, khah. Maybe this Blackwood Company will be good competition for those worthless fetchers at the fighters guild. If only they weren't run by a bunch of hairball-spewing I mean, if they only they didn't have management issuess.

Undisclosed Location

P.S. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Claudius_Arcadia I know you get the Courier from your prison cell. The deed is done.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:49 pm

To the editor:

I must take extreme exception to the poor image given to guild members in these letters. We at the Blackwood Company have dedicated ourselves to doing those jobs that the Fighters Guild does not. Just yesterday we cleared out some http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Infiltration] Goblins[/url] for the nice people of the village of Water's Edge. Do not say that the guilds of Cyrodiil are lazy. We beastfolk prove otherwise.

Hears Voices in the Air
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:52 pm

This thread rocks! :rock:
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