We need to get to know each other better methinks... For RP's anyway, just to find out what sort of people are writing behind each character...
Actually, I have an idea:
Why don't we add something to our character sheets and say what kind of person we are perhaps? Yes, it sounds weird, annoying, time-consuming and a waste... But it might actually do something, if your quick to anger, it may be good to put that, if your a bubbly person who enjoys talking; you may like to PM and talk to that person. Who knows? I don't, it's just something I thought of randomly this morning.
Actually, I have an idea:
Why don't we add something to our character sheets and say what kind of person we are perhaps? Yes, it sounds weird, annoying, time-consuming and a waste... But it might actually do something, if your quick to anger, it may be good to put that, if your a bubbly person who enjoys talking; you may like to PM and talk to that person. Who knows? I don't, it's just something I thought of randomly this morning.
What the hell kinda weird Aussie trick are you trying to pull here? LOL :foodndrink: Seriously, I don't see much of that happening in a CS. The way we should get to know one another in an Rp, is to see how one another posts. You can determine the good from the terrible like that. (I'm not naming names, but they know who they are.)