Also I'm sure people will come into the thread and make comments on the adept difficulty, saying something like "I play on Master and I run around naked using fists, anything else is stupid and easy" to be honest I don't really care. My next character will probably be played on expert but I don't see anything wrong with adept, it definitely doesn't make the game too easy by any means. Bosses and groups of enemies are still challenging.
So am I the only one who doesn't bother with health? This came to mind when I saw people commenting that a stealth character should invest in health, which I found strange. I haven't really heavily researched the ideal character builds by any means of course, this is my first character so I'm just making him how I feel like making him. My next several characters will be quite different.
How do you guys handle your attributes? Do you think health is a necessity for any character to some extent?