Level cap after dlc

Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:48 pm

Hi, I was just wondering about the following. I've played FNV through for about 7 times to get all the achievements and just last week I installed the GRA, CS and LR add-ons to my game. It just recently came to my attention that my level cap should have been raised with every dlc I've installed. That should have taken me to level 50 but sadly I'm still at level 30 as it was for all my run throughs. I've tried clearing my cache and I believe I have the latest patch installed, 1.0.4 and still no raise in level. I'm asking this because I'm kinda stuck in LR where my science skill is 60 and I need 75 at least. ANyone got suggestions??
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Post » Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:37 pm

Couriers Stash and Gun Runner Stash don't affect the level cap. Only Lonesome Road, Dead Money, Honest Hearts and Old World Blues raise the cap.

Reading your post it sound like you're expecting to be immediately bumped up to level 50? You still have to earn the xp to get there.

Also, I believe the lastest patch is 1.7.
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Baylea Isaacs
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Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:13 am

Hi, thx for the fast reply, Maybe I was a bit vague there. I've reached level 30 before entering the first dlc, Dead Money). Four dlc's later I'm still at 30. So none of the four dlc's, (Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old woerld blues and Lonesome Road), raised my level cap.
Concerning the patch, it won't update to 1.0.7. I've tried clearing cache still nothing.
I'd like to be able just to level up again. I mean level 30 is getting a bit stale now, besides I need a higher science skill for LR.
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