The way to fix everyones issues of Balance vs. Power is simple. When you hit the level up screen, allow players to simply press the x button (or the equivalent for PC and PS3 players) and go to the next screen without distributing points.
That would be me self-nerfing. I refuse to self nerf. I kid, I kid. I like this idea a lot.
Also skills should be given out something like this 1-49 only costs one skill point to go up. 50-74 cost two skill points to go up. 75 to 100 costs three skill points to go up.
Bring back Skilled as a trait so were can have perks every three levels insted of two. One tweak to skilled, you only get 2 extra skill points per level.
I like this a lot too, with some minor variation. I would say 1-60 as 1 point, and we're saying alright, 60 makes you slightly better than OK (50) with that skill, and from 61 to 90 2 points, so you're paying a premium to get really good, and from 91-100, it's 3 points. With this, I would also raise the level cap to 50 out of the box, with the same mathematical scaling you have now. Before the red mist comes down, read the rest.
So basically, people who want to zip through, can do this, at their average skill levels, and it's still playable, and everyone who plays every side quest, and every mission, and enjoys hunting gets up to level 50 with about (by my really rough reckoning) 160-170 hours of gameplay. This rewards those who really do everything and go everywhere in-game, whilst still not giving you a god character.
This is all based on some quick maths in my head, but I think this would still allow you about the same levels of skills as we currently have at 30, give or take a bit obviously as the multi-points cost obviously changes some variables.