Level Caps?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:33 pm

im ok with them as long as you cant max out everything. nGCD allowed to you to up your major skills but made minor skills much more difficult to reach higher levels in. in fact i had my game set up where my minor skills wouldnt go past 80. i did 75 initially but that screwed everything up if i had some disease that i wasnt aware of since i used a mod that increased the power of diseases. when you get to a certain point in oblivions skills you really are at the pinnacle. a master archer cant get much better than splitting an arrow from 1000 yards with another arrow but he needs to keep practicing otherwise he wont be able to do it anymore. to me the only skill that would be impossible to not learn anything new in would be magic skills. in that case you still have the 100 cap but there would be hidden caps that unlocked very powerful and more efficient spells. casting a fireball over and over again at some point is going to end up with diminishing returns.
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:27 pm

a master archer cant get much better than splitting an arrow from 1000 yards with another arrow but he needs to keep practicing otherwise he wont be able to do it anymore.

I think this could be a great way to implement skills. If they did away with skill caps but it made it exponentially more difficult to level above say, 100, and made it so that skills between say, 80-99 would deteriorate slowly without use...That could be very interesting.
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Stacey Mason
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:31 am

To be honest, i'd like to see a complete overhaul of the levelling system. I don't think there should be a level cap of 100; no but instead allow us to improve without becoming overpowered.

Gotta' say though it's gonna be a hard task, I, off the top of my head, can't think of how to implement this concept. I just hope Bethesda can.
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matt white
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:55 am

I'm pretty sure it's in place so that people wont get their long blade skill (PLEASE let there be a long blade skill) to level 200 and get insanely overpowered

I doubt you would have been overpowered in oblivion at level 25+ even if such skill were twice as powerfull as at its maximum 100. That actually annoyed me a bit becouse it was no use making enchanted gear (for example) to increase a skill or attribute past its natural limit becouse most most of the skills like blade didnt actually get any more powerfull if it was above 100.

I'm pretty sure BGS has taken a lesson from their previous games and comes up with a balanced solution :)
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