I made a typo the title should've said lever oh well.
So I have one castle that at least three factions I intend to have fighting over it. The player can store stuff in the containers, and also watch or participate in battles with respawning NPCs. Outside of jumping/climbing/levitating mods, there are only two ways in. The secret underground entrance which I've made very hard to find, or the front door. With the front door to the outside of the castle I put a drawbridge there, that acts as a wall if you pull the lever. So it would make sense all of this considered, that these respawning NPCs can't get in when the bridge is vertical.
Only one question, will making the lever refer to the respawning NPCs headed there, keep them from appearing until the level is pulled again? Further more, if the NPCs are looted from or something, can this cause any glitches? This thought just occurred to me, about making the lever enable/disable said NPCs as well as activate the bridge, since it'd be so easy and add so much immersion... If everything I suspect is true anyways.