Level 1 Hero

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:57 am

I have a plan, that will be either incredibly hard, or very easy. I plan to complete the main questline with a level 1, and never level up. This is going to be a very hard feat, because at level one, you never get perks. These are the pros/cons I have thought up about this plan.

Without perks, you can never craft new armors with smithing, or increase damage with swords, or lower the cost of spells by half, or any of that. Without levelling, the only possible to way to get more magic/health/stamina is by find enchantments god-knows-where when your level 1. Enchanting with no perks wil be a major pain, because they will be incredibly weak, as I don't have the 20%/40%/60%/80%/2x better enchantments perks. Fighting dragons and scripted NPCs will be niegh impossible, as my health will be very low, and my swords/magic will be very weak Powerful scripted NPCs will kill me in one or two hits. (Dragon priests, Draugr Death Overlords, Dragons) And getting powerful equipment will be a pain in the ass, save for a few locations where you may find full orcish armor lieing on a table.

The ordinary leveled NPcs will be weak, with usually around 30-50 HP each. With blacksmithing, I can still improve my weapons to be devastatingly strong. And all of the dragons I fight will be the weakest of its kind, and have around 900hp.

Choosing a race will be pretty easy, especially since you are at level one. If you are a warrior, you would probably be an orc, as that Berserker rage ability will save your hide. And for a mage, probably a highelf, since you get that 50+ magicka, which no other race can top.
For classes/fighting technique, you may would want to be a warrior with a shield, or a mage with many wards/defencive spells, as you can die pretty easily.

The purpous of the topic was to create a challenge, and see if anyone else will attempt it, as this may be fun. If this proves too easy, try completing it on master difficulty.... Muahahahaha.
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