Hey guys,
So...my mage hit a snag with her build. I focused her soley on being a restoration master, wards/blocking magic along with hitting the undead hard.
Especially with Dawnguard, the offencive undead spells is what got me, so now we can turn the undead and hit them hard with one school, instead of combining fire effects from destruction with turning spells from restoration.
So, she is currently level 75, with 600 magicka, 280 health and 150 stamina.
Here is the Skyrim Calculator to show where i placed the perk points:
As you can see, conjuration is used for summoning atronachs and dremora incase the battle goes ugly. Instead of enchanting, i found alchemy to be so much better, no need for grand soul gems at level 5 to enchant good gear and so on.
Right now, i have 13 free perks, and i do not know where to go with them. Her biggest advantage, is turning 3 Draugr Death Overlords, a Dragon priest and a Draugr Wright (spell check) when duel casting circle of protection. Then hitting them with master flame spell from destruction, bane of the undead, sumonning two flame atronachs etc....basically turn the undead and take my time dealing with them. Undead do not get a chance to come even close to melee range.
Biggest weakness, bows and arrows. Be it from Bandit Marauders, Draugr and especially Draugr Dealth Overlords, which carry ebony bows and arrows. She currently has the lord stone, which means she gets 350 armour rating + 25% resistance to magic (well 55% with magic resistance from alteration and absorbing 30% of magic that hits her).
She finished the college of winterhold, dark brotherhood, thieves guild (and restored them to their former glory) and now heading to solve the cival war and companions. After those two, Dawnguard is next.
What perks would you guys go for? all her skills are 100, except smithing (level 26) enchanting (level 20), speech (level 86) and lockpicking (level 78).
Three perks in pickpocket to increase carry weight by 100 points, and speech to sell those crazy expensive potions she brewed.
How or what do you guys advise, to make her a bit more....tougher from bows and arrows, especially since i plan to hit master difficulty.
PS: She is rocking master restoration robes (restoration spells cost 22% less magicka, magicka regen 150%), amulet of akatosh (+25% magicka regen), mage's circlet (+70 magicka which gives her 670 magicka in total) and arch mage's boots (resist 40% of shock spells) and ring of replenishing (+100% magicka regen). She gets a total of 335% magicka regen from those (recovery perks included and blessing of akatosh), do not forget the elsweyr fondue (+25% magicka regen and +100 magicka) and potions to boost regen even more.