First of all this topic main discussion theme is going to be the level scaling TES V want to use. So hear is what I think about it. (P.S: Sorry for my english it not my natal language)
I think that once again, the leveling scaling will break a part of the game as it did in TES V as we all know. They want to do it like Fallout 3 which imo is far from perfect and almost as bad as oblivion. They did it right with Fallout: New Vegas...so why not use that level system? So I really believe they will break a part of the game with FO:3 scaling system. Why you ask me? Well let us begin...
1) Breaks immersion a lot: This has to be the main argument. They want to make a world where you can go ANYWHERE from the very beginning of the game. The only thing different from Oblivion is that some area will be set at a higher difficulty in a proportion of you're level. So once again, you will not feel any accomplishement what so ever, you can the beat the game at level 1 and the worst of all....we will see low-life bandits with top tied equipement at the end (because Ryders in FO:3 did have ultimate Big Guns when you were level 20). Think of F:NV how it was cool.... some area you would just get wipped out by foes way stronger than you like the Black Mountain and GOD I felt the immersion for sure. When you remove scaling you get this: Mystery, sense of danger, accomplishement and more!
2) Leveled loot: Even if they hand place item and give you reward for big quest what is the point? It will be leveled again to not make their formula unbalanced. You will be able to go anywhere at anytime and it means you will be able to have the best stuff (which is going to svck because you take it at a low level) at the beginning of the game.
3) OOO: The most beloved mod and most downloaded mod: Well it says it for itself....I am not the only who loves the world OOO offered. If any of you played Baldur's Gate series and such...maybe you understand what I am talking about. Since I am getting this game for PS3 because my CPU is way too old...I won't have mod this time to correct the most breaking immersion system ever created.
Well that is what I think about scaling system....and Bethsheda should read the forums and learn what we think about this crappy system (making it more like FO:3 won't bring back the immersion...it will only correct Oblivion a little bit)...Why don't they just remove it? I know people that like the system have good arguments too...but the majority of people hate the system.
My Hypes:
-The world itself: The world looks beatiful...rly it amaze me...
-Gameplay: The battles and leveling up system looks way better than Oblivion and that is a good thing. Animation in Third person view looks good 2.
Other subject I wanted to rant about:
-Random Generated quest: You have to be kidding me right? It the contrary that makes game better...anyway what do you guys think about it?
-Racism: I wonder if the ywill be racist this time...like orcs hating elf and humans etc....it was really annoying to see orcs everywhere in the Imperial Town and such...anyway that just my opinion
Well let hear you