» Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:38 am
Radiant Story seems to me something akin to a bridge between Oblivion and Daggerfall. The Radiant AI of Oblivion certainly seemed like all bones - and Skyrim sounds like it's adding the meat. It's at the same time providing the NPCs with different ways to react to you and what you do in the environment, as indicated by the example in the magazine of dropping a weapon on the ground where people may find it, and also giving randomly generated quests as part of the bargain. Random quests, you say? That's something many a Daggerfall fan would have balked at if you actually suggested it actually became a feature. Of everything in the article, the way Radiant Story plays out sounds like it would have the most profound effect on my game... How well it's implemented may be the make-or-break feature.
Now, with respects to the leveling in these random quests, I'm optimistic. The article only states that the game tailors this content to your experiences and abilities, and that some enemies will be matched to your strengths and weaknesses. There's still a myriad range of possible implementations for that:
1) Some random quests will be, by their nature, easier than others. A randomly generated delivery quest will be easier, say, than a randomly generated dragon attack.
2) There may (and likely will) be randomness to the enemies generated, both in their difficulty and their equipment.
3) Random quests may have an internally set (and possibly random) difficulty slider, that would affect all the enemies for that quest.
4) Beyond the levels of the enemies, it could affect the type of enemy... Giving more (or fewer) ranged opponents if you are a melee specialist, for instance.
5) And more, I'm sure, that I'm just not thinking of.
At the very least, we know (Thanks, Gstaff!) that leveling will not go to the extremes that it did in Oblivion.