Level scaling/spells

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:45 am

Hey guys,

Im going to just throw this in a spoiler tag, my issue contains a few references to high level spells/trees etc So dont read if you dont want to see references to top end spells.


I've been glancing at the higher up spell tree's just to see what spells are available, in reference to choosing my next character if i want to do a mage.
I've noticed that the higher up resto tree is alot of making undead run for their undead little life, however the highest level master spells are setting an undead up to level 30 on fire and running, or preventing up to level 35's from entering your circle.

So heres my confusion, im level 42 at the moment (melee/heavy + bows + some desto + blacksmithing), and i know theres the whole level scalling. But as a master skill for a mage is "up to level 30" enough? its either suggesting high end monsters cap off around the lvl 30 mark, boss exceptions of course, or the spells arnt really powerful enough to cover high end dungeons... Running into level 36 monster makes your grand master spell redundant if it only effects level 35's.

So am I just not understanding the way scaling works? the mobs are much lower level than you once you approach fifty? In which case is the game just going to get easier as i level and ill just be shooting fish in a barrel?

Cheers in advance
- Confused Adventurer

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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:03 pm

Well according to the strategy guide most variants of enemies go up to 50. That being said aren't their perks that modify the level effect of certain spells? I can't check because I'm at work.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:28 pm

You are absolutely correct, spells will start failing on you once leveled enemies start appearing at that level. :laugh:

In fact, the spell you are thinking of will do crap damage as well.

All level capped spells will eventually become worthless. But really, all Master level spells are worthless to begin with plus most of the perks...
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Ann Church
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:10 am

Well thats.... crappy. I mean i've read the posts about people complaining about Desto being under powered etc, which i could put down to play style, single spell spamming not being effective etc but to cap off master spells at a level limit and have mobs of higher level.. thats just... beyond redundant

"congratulations Master Mage, you've earned this spell, you cannot use it.. but you've earnt it"
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:18 pm

I haven't played a mage yet. By the sounds of this maybe I won't bother. :o
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:56 pm

I agree the whole spell scaling in the game is weird.

But with that said, one important thing to remember is that not all mobs scale with you. What I mean is that when you reach lvl 30, for instance, it's not as if all enemies in the world will be lvl 30 too, or even close to that. You'll be facing a lot of lower level monsters, so the spells that have a level cap can still be used most of the time, but obviously not always.
For example, my current toon is lvl 20 now, and I'm facing a whole lot of lvl 1 mobs all the time.

Anyway, yes, I also don't like spells with hard caps.
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:02 am

At around level 50+ you're pretty much guaranteed to face at least one to several Draugr Deathlord (or higher level) in every encounter in a ruin.

Which ensures your restoration capped spells to be useless already. :laugh:
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