Here are my thoughts about Level Scaling or other Level Systems. This will be a big one but its a far more complex theme as many would expect, I try to see the things NOT from my point of view, but what I have to tell comes directly from my heart.
Most people write whether they wanna have a level system or not. Try to see it from the point of view of Bethesda. They are a profit oriented company, thats a fact. Yes, its true, playing is fun, developing also, but their maingoal is not to please you as an individual. Their goal ist to make the highest possible profit. To achive that, their goal is to please the majority of players to achive a big turnover. Or to say it harder: Level scaling is a lazy way of making a poorly populated game world. But when it comes to the majority of players, you have to understand what groups of players there are:
- Completists
- Storyliner
- Casual Player
The difference of these Groups are not only their playstyle, its in their charakterism how they live.
The Completist ...wants achive 100%. For him the Volume of a game is the richness of featurs, items, borderless freedom to do things like he wants to do it. Storyline and Characters are nice, graphic too, but they spent much more time on achivements and possibilities than on storyline. In RL, these People leave their home and write their own stories.
The Storyliner...relies heavily on the storyline and charakters. Graphic and Environment is important too, because it strenghtens the volume of the story itself. And they dont have a problem if there are restrictions (limited scripted ways) how to progress. These People like to read a book or watch a movie.
The Casual Player...doesnt need anything of this. True, graphic, features and storyline are a nice bonus, but they dont rely much on it. For them interacting with others or sharpen their skills for competition, even against AI, is more important. These People like to stay at home, invite friends an besides play a board game or a beat-em-up on the console.
Its not the genre who decides whether you are one type or another, its the art of playing. Shooter for example:
Completist = FarCry, Stalker
Storyliner = Crysis, Wolfenstein
Casual Player = Counterstrike, Battlefield
Or think about racers:
Completist = Grand Theft Auto, Test Drive Unlimited
Storyliner = Need For Speed
Casual Players = Formula 1
I think you got the clue. Now since you know the group of players you have to find out who is the majority. Nobody is hardcoe one or the other, there are no strict borders, and everyone like to play different styles. I am a completist, but somtimes I also like to play Battlefield. But ever, one group in you dominates. Sad but true, during the time of PC Games the majority changed.
I remember the time when PCs were marching in our hobbyrooms 20 Years ago. Limited Hardware (20MB HDDs, 1MB RAM, wohooo) meant limited possibilities in development. There were no ressources for big storyline, filmsequences or animations. So the volume of a game depended on the features. So the majority of the PC Gamers were the completists regarding RPGs; the older ones like me

But with the time, more households got PCs, they had more power and thanks to Windows were easiert to use for "easy going people". Games became more films than games. So the majority of players switched from the completists to the storyliner. Game developers had to react, and to change their art of developing.
I love RPGs. I remember my times with Might&Magic:Couds of Xeen, worth an entry in the hall of fame of RPGs. I didnt play weeks, I played months. Short after, TES came out and it was awsome. So was Morrowind, which I played for 2 months. Until this time, I didnt know anything about level systems. Then came Oblivion. I was looking forward playing this game because I loved Morrowind so much, but from the beginning I had the feeling anything is wrong, and I was not able to figure out why. So I continued. But no matter what I did, how long I played and how patient I was, this game was never fun. I quit a few days after the beginnning and never touched it again. Year ago I read someting about the level systems and I realized whats wrong.
But I didnt have this problem only with Oblivion. I played Fallout I + II till the end twice. For any reason, I didnt play Fallout 3 to the end. Dont get me wrong, its a great game; but I still feel that I am not playing the game; it feels like it playes me. It was later when I found out that Fallout also uses Level Systems.
So here we are, players like me (the Dinos), who are forced to play games with level systems. I understand the will and maybe the necessity to please the majority of players which want an easier and dynamic entry and progress in the game. But wouldnt it be cool to please both of us? Also for the developer and for the profit? Their way at the moment ist to make level systems, because for players like me its better to play a game with a good system as for Storyliners to play without one. But I tell you what; as long as they implement such crap, I never pay full price. Will I buy TES5? Yes, in 1-2 years when I can have it for 29,- because then the disappointment is not that big because I dont get what I want.
I only see one solution for this; give us all the possibility to DECIDE; give us the option in the option menue playing RPGs with or without level Systems, no matter which system. I am not in the position to tell the developers what or how they should to their work, also I dont know what techniques they use, but if I could make a wish, it would be something like:
Sub enter_dungeon_4711() If LevelScaling = Off then Put 20 Skelletons into the Cave Put 10 Goldcoins in every Chest Else If LevelScaling = On then Select Playerlevel Case 1 Put 10 Rats into the Cave Put 3 Broncecoins in every Chest Case 2 Put 12 Turtles... ... End Case End IfEnd Sub
It is just (a funny) example, but I think you got the clue. So all groups would be pleased. I would have my static world how its meant to be played. Storyliners could advance in their own speed and mood. Casual Players could slay whats in their way. No group of gamers would be forced to play it another way,
and we all would love TES5!!!