From what I know, level scaling in Skyrim is going to be pretty similar to how it was in Fallout 3. However, one thing I HATED about Fallout 3 was that (especially true for the Main Quest) some quests were just too difficult for a player of your level when you received them. I would really like some sort of feature in the journal/quest log that gives you a recommended level for the particular quest (like Borderlands did). However, this recommended level should be just that, a recommendation (not level restrictions), so players would have some sort of idea what to expect in terms of difficulty from a quest. What do you guys think?
I did not find any quests in Fallout 3 to hard for me at default difficulty, random exploring was more dangerous. Yes I guess you could get some quests at low level who was designed for higher level players.
However it's three ways to deal with this, Skyrim will find a dungeon who fits your level for side quests, for quests at fixed locations the game will not give you the quest until required level or if it's obvious that the npc is a quest giver he tell you that he needs a stronger champion.
Yes a in game warning if the quest is very hard or long it's nice, we got it in the last thief guild quest and the trip to paradise.