I sincerely hope that they do not treat it like atronachs and other leveled creatures, because I would hate to attain level 50+ and find that I am stuck with a bunch of poison spewing or lightning crazy dragons.
The fire-breathing dragon is the staple of the species, and the element of fire is what feels comfortable to me when I think of dragons.
If I attain level 70+ (which I plan to do), and there are no fire-breathing dragons left, then I will be quite irritated. It jus looks, feels, and plays completely wrong with them being extinct for no apparent reason; It better not be like Oblivion where every single monster standing 5 feet from the road evolves from a wolf into a 10 foot monstrosity, because when I reached level 50 I seriously thought the towns were going to be overrun and tamriel would never see humans, beastmen, or mer ever again.
They had better keep high level dragons extremely rare, while maintaining the base of them filled with fire breathers. And the bunnies and butterflies better not turn into Dremora Lords either.