leveled items

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:58 am

say i get Escutcheon of Chorrol at level 2 or so and it has...Fortify Endurance 5pts Reflect Damage 10% at level 1-4 as i go up levels and by the time i reach level 25 will it be at its max at Fortify Endurance 10pts Reflect Damage 35%?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:46 pm

If you're on a console then no, but if you're on PC then there's a mod that will do it for you, not sure what it is though, I'll have a look now.
EDIT: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=1546
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Georgine Lee
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