Leveled lists not spawning...

Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:49 am

So as part of my attempt to combine elements of WAC, OWCND, and FCOM, I have tweaked the armor and item leveled lists for numerous NPC's including guards.

I have a plugin which contains these changes that has all these aforementioned mods as masters. For some reason however, the NPC's it references that contain leveled lists from OWCND, specifically the Elven Garden guards, will never spawn their armor.

I have checked and none have "No Low Level processing" checked. I also tried removing all their associated scripts with no effect.

I checked the paths to make sure those lists weren't referring to non existent armor and everything checks out. What is odd is that the leveled weapon lists from the same mod appear to work fine.

What could be causing something like this?
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Amy Smith
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:13 am

Have you loaded all the appropriate plugins in TES4Edit to see if anything's being overwritten?
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Anna S
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:45 am

Have you waited 3-4 days to allow things to respawn? Changes won't be apparent until...
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:48 am

Hey... yes and yes. I even tried keeping the other overhaul mods out of my bashed patch.

ICElvenGuardPostNight02 is one of the guards in question. WAC, OOO, and OWCND all make changes to this guy's armor. In TES4Edit I have created an override for him into my patch which loads last, opting to keep the leveled entries from OWCND.

I'm going to double-check again those armors are actually working by adding them manually to one of these guys.
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:39 am

One really strange thing I discovered recently is that when you're trying to equip NPC's levelled armour, they won't do it if your PC is in the same cell they are when the switch occurs. It's not that they're shy - they happily remove whatever they were wearing before and run around naked :lol: But the new armour won't be equipped until you change cells. They will however happily equip levelled weapons.

I was tearing my hair out trying to figure out why my little mod wasn't working. Then I started the quest that did the armour switch from outside the cell where the NPC's were - voila, when I entered the cell, they were all nicely decked out in their new armour. So the weapon switch will occur immediately, but for reasons unknown to me, the armour switch won't happen until the cell is reloaded. It may also occur after the usual cell reset or respawn time, but that won't occur until your character leaves the cell either, so it's the same result. I didn't have to wait the respawn time - I just needed to be in a different cell when I wanted to do the switch.
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