Personally, I think they should. I see little reason why, for example, a level 1 character should have a lv50 item in use. But that's just me.... I think that progression (both character ability wise, and equipment wise) is an important aspect of RPGs, and don't see why one would want to short-circuit that by "skipping to the end", so to speak.
(Another thought I have on the topic.... people keep saying, "oh, it should be a big challenge for me, I love challenge". But then, once you've grabbed your "challenging" pieces of amazing end-game gear at low level - you've reduced any further challenge you might have, by skipping ahead on the equipment curve to far beyond where you should be. For a couple challenges at the beginning, you've undercut the remaining challenges ahead of you. Seems odd to me. :shrug:)
Fair enough, and we all have different opinions. I find it respectable that you at least put that forward

As for your second paragraph, how would you feel about a combination of level scaled equipment and pre-placed hard to get epic equipment? My idea is that they need 'more' types of armor and weapons. We're given a basic list of equipment that falls into 3 categories: Heavy, medium, and light. Iron, Steel, Elven, Dwarven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, and Dragonbone. I think it would be interesting to have 'light ebony, heavy glass, medium daedric" etc much in the same way they have heavy and light dragon armor. This is only part of my idea though. Other than Dragonbone, these are the same basic materials we've used in every game, but we have minerals like "moonstone, orichalcum" that are used as supplements in armor creation that could add to the variety. Mythril would be a good addition as well.
In the end, it still comes down to preference. I ultimately think we should just have an option to turn scaling on or off :/