Leveled loot unnecessary and illogical.

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:17 pm

OR make the treasure chest at the end of caves and dungeons have a unique key, that only the "boss" of that certain cave has on him, so forces you to fight and kill the important person guarding that individual cave... It would make sense RP wise, seeing that each individual cave is a home to a certain group or species, and the leader would be protecting their valuables. Along with all the unique weapons and loot being in the hands of all the enemies and fodder in the cave to make you actually clear it out to get all potential valuable loot and items.

I thought you were arguing with me at first, but I really like your idea in regards of ways to handle the situation.
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NAtIVe GOddess
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:13 am

Is that really how it's supposed to work? Because I found an Ebony Sword at like... level 13 or so, and I'm still using it; though I haven't found another one since. I imagine it had something to do with the Barrow I was in.
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Lisa Robb
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:47 pm

They certainly need to rethink crafting and add diminishing returns, preventing low level crafts to level you to level 100.

This, plus putting a level requirement on the types of items you can craft, regardless of your skill level, might be a solution.
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:50 pm

you know what i think would have been a better solution? Make the high end stuff mostly only available early on in shops and ridiculously expensive. Say like 5k-10k gold for items you have no business wearing that early. If someone wants to exploit it by bartering and trading for hours just to wear Daedric stuff that early then so be it. At least they would have to really work for it.

You could have the prices come down to more realistic levels when your character is at a higher level. It would also force you to remember where it's sold throughout Skyrim, thus helping with the immersion aspect in a way.
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Greg Swan
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:16 pm

Is that really how it's supposed to work? Because I found an Ebony Sword at like... level 13 or so, and I'm still using it; though I haven't found another one since. I imagine it had something to do with the Barrow I was in.

Some higher level stuff is in random dungeons so you can find good stuff at lower levels. The idiots here just assume skyrim is just like oblivion.
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Dean Brown
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:17 am

I thought you were arguing with me at first, but I really like your idea in regards of ways to handle the situation.

Nah, thanks, I do see the problem with level scaling. Though, I firmly think the system is better than how they did it in Oblivion and Morrowind, so it is an improvement in that regard to what we should hold value to. I know we can always speculate what needs to be done, because no game has ever been perfect, or made sense in all of its mechanics, to each individual. I just feel like thats lost time, though it is constructive criticism, I dont feel it should affect us in a negative way and make us devalue the game itself.
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:02 pm

Have tons of high level enemies guarding high level loot, as well as dangerous traps.

If a level 7 player is somehow able to get past dozens of death traps, several level 50 Draugr overlords, and a dragon priest, then they deserve the Awesome Sword of Awesomeness that's waiting for them at the end. Not 50 gold and a gold necklace...

Then people will complain they don't have the freedom to travel anywhere they want, thus making the game more linear. Do you not see how this is a neverending lose-lose situation?
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Kill Bill
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:14 am

I found an ebony shield at level 10. You can still find awesome stuff and if you didn't read the forums you wouldn't even know it was leveled! Imagine that!

But when u get to higher levels (don't know what level you are at now) mercenarys are walkin around in full sets of ebony armor and have a ebony weapon, assasins have all glass.
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:58 am

Um that's why I found ebony armor at level 8? And the enemies don't scale to those of you who compare final fantasy to skyrim... If you're level 5 and go to see the greybeards, that frost troll will destroy you on the way up. If you aren't at least level 20, those giants will kill you. Etc. now quit whining with false claims and bad anologies.
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:27 pm

Then people will complain they don't have the freedom to travel anywhere they want, thus making the game more linear. Do you not see how this is a neverending lose-lose situation?

I don't care what those kind of people think any more than I care about the people who whine for a multiplayer mode.
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:56 am

Then people will complain they don't have the freedom to travel anywhere they want, thus making the game more linear. Do you not see how this is a neverending lose-lose situation?

But they'd still have the freedom as nothing'd be barred off completely. There'd just be more work involved in exploiting the said freedom. And really, it's just a question of clever worldbuilding to implement such in a manner which makes sense and feels interesting/rewarding to most.
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louise tagg
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:06 pm

Um that's why I found ebony armor at level 8? And the enemies don't scale to those of you who compare final fantasy to skyrim... If you're level 5 and go to see the greybeards, that frost troll will destroy you on the way up. If you aren't at least level 20, those giants will kill you. Etc. now quit whining with false claims and bad anologies.

It's because everyone assumes skyrim works like oblivion. They are either to stupid or to lazy to figure out that it's different.

And tO the idiot that said all mercenarys and bandits have high level loot when your high level, this ain't oblivion.
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:57 pm

Um that's why I found ebony armor at level 8? And the enemies don't scale to those of you who compare final fantasy to skyrim... If you're level 5 and go to see the greybeards, that frost troll will destroy you on the way up. If you aren't at least level 20, those giants will kill you. Etc. now quit whining with false claims and bad anologies.

Anecdotes don't make a strong argument. At least they're arguing the specific points and making an effort to be constructive.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:26 am

This was done because of all the people whining on the forums about getting high level loot as a low level character in morrowind. Now your whining that you can't get it. Ironic isn't it

This is exactly the reason.

And no amount of extra protections, be it enemies or traps, will prevent people from getting it early. Then complaining that they already have the best gear.
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Gen Daley
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:26 am

I hate it. Whoever thinks scaling things like loot and shop inventories to the player's level is a good idea at Bethesda needs a hard slap round the face. :meh:

It makes the world feel so artificial and completely puts me off exploring dungeons.

Have tons of high level enemies guarding high level loot, as well as dangerous traps.

If a level 7 player is somehow able to get past dozens of death traps, several level 50 Draugr overlords, and a dragon priest, then they deserve the Awesome Sword of Awesomeness that's waiting for them at the end. Not 50 gold and a gold necklace...

The problem is that you can do it! And once you learn to do it on one character you will do it every time on all new characters and pretty much negate huge chunks of gameplay.

I remember the morrowind alchemy trick, basically your next pot made was based off your current intellect (I think it was), so you made an int pot. Drank it. Made another slightly better, drank that, and so on until you ended up being able to make +10,000 str pots that lasted for days. It was great the first few times, but kind of killed the replay value when you knew you could do it and then could one shot every mob in the game. The only problem was one shotting the mob also one shotted your weapon so you had to carry a ton of them.

The only way I agree with you is that this is not an MMORPG so exploits like that don't break the game for anyone else. However I can see why bethesda are trying to extend the life of the game for customers. After all the exact fans who would be trying tricks like getting daedric armor at level 7 are also their core fan base and they would rather not see them negate the difficulty of the game and cut back on their likelyhood of buying xpacs or future TES games.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:32 pm

It's because everyone assumes skyrim works like oblivion. They are either to stupid or to lazy to figure out that it's different.

And tO the idiot that said all mercenarys and bandits have high level loot when your high level, this ain't oblivion.

dude, relax. Why do you feel the need to call people idiots and stupid? Makes no sense. That's not how you contribute to a message board. That's how you end up starting arguments and infracted.
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Angel Torres
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:37 am

The problem is that you can do it! And once you learn to do it on one character you will do it every time on all new characters and pretty much negate huge chunks of gameplay.

I remember the morrowind alchemy trick, basically your next pot made was based off your current intellect (I think it was), so you made an int pot. Drank it. Made another slightly better, drank that, and so on until you ended up being able to make +10,000 str pots that lasted for days. It was great the first few times, but kind of killed the replay value when you knew you could do it and then could one shot every mob in the game. The only problem was one shotting the mob also one shotted your weapon so you had to carry a ton of them.

The only way I agree with you is that this is not an MMORPG so exploits like that don't break the game for anyone else. However I can see why bethesda are trying to extend the life of the game for customers. After all the exact fans who would be trying tricks like getting daedric armor at level 7 are also their core fan base and they would rather not see them negate the difficulty of the game and cut back on their likelyhood of buying xpacs or future TES games.

That specific issue was put to bed with one of the earlier patches. Bugs arent a particularly good way of justifying an argument either.
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Jessica Raven
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:49 am

I don't care what those kind of people think any more than I care about the people who whine for a multiplayer mode.

Well that's where the problem lies, isn't it? They don't care about you either, everyone just wants their own way. I think Bethesda took a fairly logical point of view with the whole thing and did a good job of catering to a bunch of people all of whom want completely different experiences.
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:49 pm

Or you could forget about finding cool loot and focus on enchanting and smithing. I have just over 80 smithing and enchanting and I'm in the low 20's. I'v made some really great gear that was suited more to my style of play (light armor, sneak, and archery). Make uses of potions with fortify enchant/smith, having normal clothing that is enchanted with fortify smith so you can make that glass armor/weapons epic or legendary if you get enough boost. I am fairly certain that before I hit 30 both enchanting and smithing will be 100 and I'll be rocking that custom made dragon armor with dual enchanting effects. So forget the random loot and make your own gear.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:22 am

The problem is that you can do it! And once you learn to do it on one character you will do it every time on all new characters and pretty much negate huge chunks of gameplay.

I remember the morrowind alchemy trick, basically your next pot made was based off your current intellect (I think it was), so you made an int pot. Drank it. Made another slightly better, drank that, and so on until you ended up being able to make +10,000 str pots that lasted for days. It was great the first few times, but kind of killed the replay value when you knew you could do it and then could one shot every mob in the game. The only problem was one shotting the mob also one shotted your weapon so you had to carry a ton of them.

The only way I agree with you is that this is not an MMORPG so exploits like that don't break the game for anyone else. However I can see why bethesda are trying to extend the life of the game for customers. After all the exact fans who would be trying tricks like getting daedric armor at level 7 are also their core fan base and they would rather not see them negate the difficulty of the game and cut back on their likelyhood of buying xpacs or future TES games.

I can easily enter a console command any time I like that gives me daedric armour. :shrug: I have more self control than that.

Making the gameworld far less believable and dungeons less fun to explore just to try and stop people finding shortcuts to being powerful is just wrong. And let's face it... those kinds of people are still going to find shortcuts and exploits anyway.
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gary lee
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:14 am

dude, relax. Why do you feel the need to call people idiots and stupid? Makes no sense. That's not how you contribute to a message board. That's how you end up starting arguments and infracted.

Sorry but so many people assume level scaling in skyrim is the same as oblivion and it gets really annoying.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:54 pm

Um that's why I found ebony armor at level 8? And the enemies don't scale to those of you who compare final fantasy to skyrim... If you're level 5 and go to see the greybeards, that frost troll will destroy you on the way up. If you aren't at least level 20, those giants will kill you. Etc. now quit whining with false claims and bad anologies.

Some high level equipment is still randomly found in dungeons. And yeah, I definitely went to see the greybeards around level 5 and destroyed the frost troll with flames. Giants are fairly easy too, it's extremely easy to dodge their hits and then unload on them. The only reason why they're more powerful at your lower levels is because of how terrible your equipment is. Attack that frost troll at level 5 and he will be difficult. Attack that frost troll at level 40 with the same equipment and he will still be just as difficult.

Edit: not to mention the frost troll remains unarmored and your weapon skill will likely have greatly increased by then. I would dare to say that facing a frost troll at level 40 without having leveled your weapon skill would be much more dangerous than fighting him at level 5.
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Tammie Flint
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:07 pm

Leveled loot unnecessary and illogical

No, it's perfectly logical. You're not given high-level equipment early on simply because it would disrupt the difficulty progression the game has planned for you. It may not be plausible, but it's perfectly logical.
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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:53 pm

I can easily enter a console command any time I like that gives me daedric armour. :shrug: I have more self control than that.

Making the gameworld far less believable and dungeons less fun to explore just to try and stop people finding shortcuts to being powerful is just wrong. And let's face it... those kinds of people are still going to find shortcuts and exploits anyway.

True, but there is a difference between cheating through the console and exploiting something in the game. Personally I am kind of in both camps on this issue. I see what they are doing, but I did like the morrowind thing where you could get cool stuff if you knew where to look. Personally I hope that as people play more and more a few placed items will be discovered, but TBH I would rather it were a glass sword, a daedric helm, etc etc, so they are there, but in very small numbers.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:20 pm

I found an ebony shield at level 10. You can still find awesome stuff and if you didn't read the forums you wouldn't even know it was leveled! Imagine that!

I call bullcrap on this one.
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