Leveling up, adding perks, working with geck

Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:24 am

I'm kind of just starting out with GECK, and I wanted to mess around with leveling.

The first thing I'm wondering is the leveling script or w/e they use completely internal? I can't seem to find a description of what the game does on level up, secondly is there an easier way to search and navigate with geck? geck seems to be a very clunky tool especially navigating the amount of crap they have in the game.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:35 am

Welcome to modding!

First, I believe most if not all of the stuff involved when you actually gain a level is hardcoded into the game engine, but I could be wrong.

Second, it depends on what you're searching for. You can use the filters on the side to narrow your search down and show less items at once.

I suggest you do this tutorial, it will give you a great basis to build off of. http://geck.gamesas.com/index.php/gamesas_Tutorial_Layout

Alexander J. Velicky
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:37 am

I did just find a text seach which is what I was looking for, so I could look for specific text,

And there are no scripts that use the iLevelsPerPerks or some of the other level up settings so I guess this is just hard coded. The one thing I'm sort of confused about though is there has to be a way to open a perk window with more than one perk since they do it at the very beginning of the game, something like this script

ScriptName VCG01VigorTesterSCRIPT

BEGIN OnActivate
if(GetStage VCG01 == 60 && GetObjectiveDisplayed VCG01 30 == 1)
ShowLoveTesterMenuParams 40;
SetStage VCG01 65

the params change how many special points you get at the beginning of the game, is there any to do this with the perks.

If its a pipe dream trying to find the command that opens the perks/skills at the begging of the game using parameters.

Would it be possible to stop a normal level up to be able to create our own?
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Post » Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:20 pm

I dont think so. And no scripts use thinks like iLevelsPerPerk because those are game settings, not exactly script variables. That specific one says how many levels you must gain to get a perk. It's default is 3, or a perk every 3 levels. There is no command to open the perk menu (thats the only menu you cant open) and I dont think you can change much else about leveling. The best you could do is to find all of the game settings involved, and tweak those to your liking. But thinks like how much exp needed to level and that kind of thing are mostly hardcoded I believe. :/
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