Like i know you earn xp and they level... but do u have to level each of your characters?
Each and every one has to be levelled up manually.
thats what i think it should be.... and say if your are playing as a soldier and you are level 5 and you havent played any other character and you need to be an operative... when you switch is your character now a level one?
That's not how it works. Prior to a game match, you pick one of your characters. You cannot change that character in game (so you cannot switch from a Light to a Medium). However, you can change that character's
class in game. So if you are a Soldier and you would rather play as Operative, simply go to a Command Post and change your class to Operative. You are now an Operative, with all of the abilities that you have purchased for that Operative.
and also when u switch to a different character does the build type change too? I look in the forums and i didnt see anything that answered this so anything would help THANKS!
If you are changing characters, the bodytypes will differ between your characters.
If you are changing
classes, the bodytype of your character will
NOT be changed.
Hope this helps.