Those commands aren't in any Beth game i ever played. What game are those from?
Those commands aren't in any Beth game i ever played. What game are those from?
for sure we have 7 for the SPECIAL, but the display they show on the E3 showcase have more space
so i guess we have some bubble heads for perks.
I wonder if they work as the Magazine and give u a single perk.
From what we know on the official trailer gameplay, there least 1 for each stats.
You're probably in a parallel dimension. The board is obviously reading your correct time yet still placing you at the time you posted in our dimension. The weird thing is is that you can post in our dimension at all. Maybe you forgot to check the dimensional shift settings on sign up.
Looks like
I actually prefer the fact that it takes a long time to max everything out. I tend to spend a lot of time with these kinds of games and it would svck to max out everything quickly.
Heh, nice reference
I think some people just like to set goals for the sake of it's own accomplishment. To my mind, it's a sign of a good levelling system where it doesn't have to enforce a pre-determined level cap but also gives you the option to continue advancing past the primary content if that's what you want to do. So you're encouraged to create a unique character during the primary portion of the game, but after that you're able to advance as far as you want to. Kind of a win/win I think.
Sure, if you want to max out every single attribute and perk in the game you're in for a pretty long streak of farming out random encounters and spawn points after the game has "ended," but I think that's okay too. If you're still having fun with the game and want to keep playing then there's no reason you shouldn't be able to continue advancing that character.
I feel like if I'm still having fun with the settlement-building after I've completed the quests and run through the content, then it's nice if I'm still advancing my character - even if that's not the only reason I'm still playing. For other players that want to continue maxing things then that's also a do-able goal. It'll take some time I'd imagine, but I don't think there's anything wrong with that, either. To me, it seems like it's potentially the best of both worlds.
Honestly I think I agree with you, I'm 400 hours into skyrim and I still haven't beat it but I still have enjoyment when playing it. Yeah sure I had used the alchemy exploit to max out all my stats and perks and create armor with practically infinite carry weight and one hit kill weapons, but I still enjoy it.
Hell I even started a new playthrough of FO:NV two weeks ago.
I guess I'll just settle for a crafting character and settlement character instead of maxing stuff out. Or just max out what I find is important and then do the rest later. Plus if any other FO game shows us, if I throw more points into Intelligence, I could receive experience faster and level up faster.
It's from:
Beth is making
So, in one way they are codes for Beth games, but I doubt Beth kept those codes in their game.
Notice how funny I am since Beth is also doing DOOM now?
If your concern is that you would have to do some significant "grinding" to obtain the "perfect" character, then I say they designed the game properly....
My anolysis:
Player 1: "There's so many things! It's going to take me too long to unlock it all!"
Player 2: "You shouldn't be able to unlock everything! This is so not an RPG any more!"
Turns out you can't please everyone. Might as well just get on with it and enjoy things for what they are.
that brings me back nice reference .
as for time required i say a very long time more time that your real life allows in the short term but if play it for few years doable?
completionist and RPG should be functionally mutually exclusive, the best RPGs i'v played locked off entire swaths of content if you didn't set up a build for it or didn't have the foresight to get a hireling who was competent in what you couldn't do
That is exactly the reason fallout 4 is the way it is
Still don't understand the usefullness of level locking perks with this system.
so that people cant have OP max rank perks right from the start of the game? the perks themselves arent level locked.. just the upgrades.
Yeah because I hate to say it if you have Four Leaf Clover maxed out
and Critical Banker
Still don't see the point of forcing players to be jack of all trades instead of letting them be specialist.