So I started playing a High Elf and went through the first dungeon to get the golden claw and I'm like level 2, maybe just made it to 3.
My wife, on the other hand, is playing a Khajiit. She did the same dungeon plus she went through this mine nearby but she is level 6 already. She is sneaking alot and uses a 2-handed axe or sword. She kills them pretty fast with that weapon and is leveling much faster I think. I pretty much use Destruction like Flame and Spark or dual Flame.
Am I doing something wrong here? My goal is to become a ridiculously powerful mage hence I have not used anything but Destruction.
Any help is appreciated.
I am a battle mage and I must say....I level way too fast. My advise for leveling is to use all your abilities pre battle. You should buy zombie and the alteration shield move. Make a zombie and shield yourself before eveyr battle. Pull with a sneak arrow, then burn [censored]as and finish em with a power attack from your main hand. Try to get hit atleast once so you get resto exp after battle.
Ratio is X/X first X being 1 point. Second X being how many battles
You should get 1/3 desto, 1/5 resto, 1/2 alt, 1/2 cong, 1/6 sneak, 1/3 bow, 1/5 1 hander.
For fillers because points really matter for mages, level up blcksmithing. Don't spend a single perk in blacksmithing, just level it up. You will get like atleast 8 perks to spend on your mage trees.
Also, try to have a main hand weapon for every scenario. A soul stealer, a fear on contact, a turn undead, etc. It helps as my melee weapon usually serves a big purpose.
By the time I left the golden claw place, I was level 10 and had every level 1 perk for eveyr mage tree except illusions.
I play on expert because master is just a pain in the ass. The enemy have obnoxiously high hp and I am a battle mage. mage + master = gay