leveling questions

Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:04 pm

Will the Skyrim leveling system take your incomberance and the magica cost of a scale when determining how fast you level up a skill?
For example it would make since in my view that a character running around in heavy armor carring 90% of his max load should have their athletics skills level up faster then lets say an archer who typical carries about 20% of his max load. Also you should level up faster using a big heavy claymore instead of a dagger.
Also casting one spell that uses 100 MP should come close to casting a spell that uses 1 mp 100 times. Will these things be moddled?
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Karine laverre
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:25 pm

Here are two quotes that suggest there might be a possibility of what you are proposing regarding the XP gain from casting spells. In other interviews, Todd has mentioned that you level faster using skills that are higher level, so I imagine if your Destruction is at 90, for example, when you cast a fireball, you get more XP than casting a Paralyze spell if your Illusion skill is only 10.

1. May 2011 Norwegian Gamer.no Interview

Q: In previous games many skills were increased by casting the "unlock" spell fifty times on a door, and so forth. Is this still possible?

Todd Howard: No, we have resolved most of these issues. Some of the skills we have, for example, gotten rid of, like "Athletics" and "Acrobatics". For who creates a character and think "I'll role-play a guy who runs"? Much of the repetitive activities have been removed.

2. April 2011 Ausgamer interview:
"Your skills are still levelable through active use, in that performing said skill will advance it. However, you can’t just spam them now, as the active levelable skills require specific use. [/size]So, essentially, you can’t just stand on the spot and spam jump to level your Acrobatic skill, because it no longer exists.

It’s a great system that requires consistent and active play and engagement with the game , which is something the team strove for from Day One.

Moreover, skills are now actively tied to levelling your character, and not the other way around. It’s slightly complex, and Todd explains it better than I could, but we have a Q&A transcript coming today, so stay tuned, but it makes much more sense than the system in Oblivion, with the perk system basically pulled from Fallout 3 to create what seems to be the most logical character-levelling and progression system ever created. "
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:19 am

If activities advanced your skill level, depending on the difficulty of the activities themselves, then most of the repeating would co away, and the players would not spam low level activities and perform higher level ones sparingly.

If selling loot raises the mercantile skill level, depending on the amount of cash interchanged, not the count of the items, no one would sell the items one by one.

If casting a high level spell which burned a lot of magicka, raised the magic skill level more than spamming low level, and low cost spells, then no one would spam them.

If raising attack skill level depended on the damage dealt to the opposition, not the count of the blows, then no one would spam low level dagger stabs at bandits, and would go for tougher opponents, who could withstand a few heavy blows from their mighty war hammers.

And this can be said about any other skill as well.

It can be used here as well.
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