agreed, but i have a bad feeling that oblivions ridiculous leveling system with armor and weapons is going to happen again
I would be quite shocked if this were the case. They got plenty of criticism for the BS leveling mechanic of Oblivion and if they've been paying any attention at all to these forums for the past....6 years....they are well aware that a significant percentage (is anyone in favor of the exact same leveling mechanic in Skyrim?) of players found Oblivion Scaling to be quite disappointing.
Plenty of us have explained in simple, calm, terms exactly why we dislike everything magically leveling with us. I expect to see something akin to the 90% set 10% leveled, and on top of that I expect the areas that are leveled to be leveled more on the basis of NPC/creature stats and skills rather than on the basis of Raider w/ Demon Skin Armor.
One other thing I hope they address...I really hope they don't bring back the 4-5 different versions of named weapons. Yeah, knowing that Chrysamere always spawns on top of a chest of drawers in a guard tower in Caldera unbalanced things a bit...but having to decide if you wanted to proceed through quests now and suffer weaker versions of what ought to be legendary weapons...or if you wanted to wait and grind levels so you could get the uber super sick version of the exact same weapon....that had a much greater very negative impact on the game.
Ultimately though, even if Bethesda decide to simply port the broken systems of Oblivion rather than learn from their experiences with Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas (meaningful companions please!)...even then I'd still probably buy Skyrim and have a great time with it despite the stupid mistakes.
Especially if I can afford a PC capable of playing Skyrim well...I'd like to too, so I could finally reap the benefits of all those talented modders out there....
I wonder if Obscuro is helping with Skyrim...could someone ask a developer?
Yes this post was rather wandering, blame the Pepsi I just drank.