While I agree with you, I can't help asking why you care? I'm not trying to be rude. But if someone else wants to level efficiently, what is that to you or me? There players, believe it or not, who even enjoy it. These tend to be folks who enjoy working with numbers. My experience has been that they are mainly people who are precise and orderly in their real lives and they also like to be precise and orderly in how they manage their characters. It's not the way I like to play, but it's no skin off my back.
You've described my wife.

But looking at the replies in this thread, I don't see any posts by people who give an impression of wanting to work through the numbers. Those of us who use them do so because we consider Oblivion's implementation of leveling to be very poor. For myself, I never consider using numbers in Morrowind. I simply select whatever attributes would be appropriate for a character of mine, given their background and goals. The difference doesn't lie in wanting to control it all, in other words. It lies in a system that some of us perceive as very flawed, while others, such as yourself, don't.
About scaling: it's worth pointing out that, contrary to popular belief, few enemies in Oblivion scale. Wolves, Boars, Bears, Goblins, etc, etc, do not scale.
Most dungeon/cave//portal/etc creatures *do* level with the player, with multiple versions of the same critter receiving +5 to three attributes that affect a range of other factors. Some creatures are also replaced as your character rises in level, not by a higher level of the same type, but by a different and more potent opponent. The game becomes considerably harder as your character improves, and if this point wasn't a concern of many players, there weren't be so many different leveling/scaling mods, nor would they be so popular, with cumulative downloads in the tens of thousands.
I've no problem with anybody who likes Oblivion's leveling and scaling as they are. Everybody not only can, but should play the game differently, as they like. It's no skin off my nose if someone enjoys leveling and scaling as they are in Oblivion. But by that same token, there's certainly plenty of ammunition for those like myself who reject these systems.