» Tue May 17, 2011 9:33 am
I'd much prefer set stats on all weapons, and to ensure that a novice doesn't get their hands on say Umbra, it will be 'leveled' so only a experienced/high level character would have a fair shot at winning against the monsters who guard it. A character with 100 health can't possibly hope to be victorious over a monster with 1,000 health who is also decked out in special stat boosting equipment or powers. This will keep players from 'moving beyond their means' pleasing the leveling crowed, while also pleasing the set stat crowed by keeping the monster at a specifically high level, alongside the loot.
The one thing i hated about Morrowind is that you became undefeatable between level 20 and 30 and god-like at 30+ ( you can fight naked, with a mere dagger and easily win against Dagoth Ur at level 50). This destroyed the sense of challenge in Morrowind.
Oblivion took this far too far, and leveled everything from items to monsters so that no mater what- the player always faced the same degree of challenge, destroying any sense of progress.
What is needed is set pieces like Morrowind, but much rarer gold then Oblivion to prevent leveling up too quickly.