So, as I understand it, and as I wrote before I deleted what I wrote, if I have Canadian Ice's Elegant Gowns mod, and kalikut's black hooded robes mod, and I want to merge them, I would merge them as I would ordinarily do in the CS. What will happen is that I will see those little container thingies in the levelled list Object Window--one line for Ice's Gowns, with some number of containers, and one line for kalikut's robes.
1- the 2 mods create new leveled lists to put the new items, or only one of the two mods modifies already exisisting leveled lists, or the two mods modify already existing lists, but not the same one
a- the new leveled lists are put in new crates, or the two mods have modified different crates from the original game
-> each kind of modified / new crates will have items from one mod but not the other, a simple merge will be enough to have the two mods working together
b- the new leveled lists are put in the same crate in the two mods
-> you'll get only the new lists of the
most recent mod: it's always the same rule, only the change of the mod loaded last will be present in game. If you want to get rid of this problem, you must use the 'merge objects' function of TesTool. However, you don't need to use 'merge leveled lists' because no list are modified by both mods, they are only put in the same crate.
2- the two mods modify the same list
-> you must use the 'merge leveled lists' function of Wrye Mash / TesTool (+ Resequencer) to get the two mods working together
Say I want to decrease the number of total gowns and robes I run into in a given game (and I do

). Is the following correct?
1. I can either lower the chance of encountering each of them by lowering the number in the chance column in each list.
The number in the left column are not the 'chance of appearing number', they are the 'PC level number'. They indicates at which level of the PC those items will appear. The chance of making appearing an item more than another is made by putting the same item more than once in the list. Note that the items can appear when 'their' level is <= or only = to the PC level:
11. When you are done adding items, you need to look at the tickboxes on the left. If the one labelled 'Calculate from all levels <= PC's level' (circled Purple) is ticked than an item will be picked from the list on the right with a 'PC Level' value which is the same as or less than the Player's level. If it is not ticked, than an item will be picked only if it has a 'PC level' value which is the same as the players.
2. Or I can (theoretically?) put one set of levelled lists inside another so that I have divided my chances of running into each of them in half (?).
I have only a vague idea of how the second method would work or why one would choose it over the first method? I take it it involves the mysterious black tickbox. If someone could elaborate that would be helpful. Actually, even more helpful would be seeing an example of a levelled list inside a levelled list, and having an explanation of how to tweak it and/or why it exists. (If it's really infrequent, presumably I don't need to worry about it?) The point of this is so I can edit lists in mods that exist already.

I really should just go try this but I owe Mandamus some work on the Romance Mod :embarrased:
Yes. Go back to work!
Now some example:
level list1
1 item1
1 item1
1 item1
1 item2
1 item2
3 item1
3 item2
3 item3
If you put 1 list like this in a container and no tickbox is checked:
- at level 1and 2, you will have 60% chance of getting item1 and 40% for item2
- at level 3 and more, you will have 33% chance of getting item1 , item2 or item3
If you put 1 list like this in a container and the tickbox 'Calculate from all levels <= PC's level' only is checked:
- at level 1 and 2, it is the same than before
- at level 3 and more, you'll have 50% cahnce of getting item1, 37,5% (3/8) chance of getting item2, and only 12,5% (1/8) chance of getting item3
If you put 1 list like this in a container and the tickbox 'calculate for each item in count' is checked:
- it is exactly the same as if it was not checked, because there is only ONE leveled list in the container
If you put 5 lists like this in a container and no tickbox is checked:
- the container calculates which items should appear for the first list (see above for 1 list), then it creates the same item for all the 5 lists
If you put 5 list like this in a container and the tickbox 'calculate for each item in count' only is checked:
- the container calculates which items should appear for the first list (see above for 1 list), then it redoes the same thing for the 2nd list, then for the 3rd, 4th and 5th. In this case, you can get 5 different items (or the 5 same items, it's only a matter of statistic, depends if you're lucky or no)
There is also a box 'chance none'
- if you put 0, you'll always get one of the item from the list
- if you put for example 50, you'll have 50% chance that an item appear, if you put 75; you'll have 25% chance that an item appear
Now about list inside list... well it is the same thing, but with more possibilities:
list1 is the same as above, with 'Calculate from all levels <= PC's level' and 'calculate for each item in count' checked
level list2
1 item1
1 item1
1 item2
1 item2
1 item3
3 item1
3 item2
3 item3
5 item3
5 item4
list2 also have 'Calculate from all levels <= PC's level' and 'calculate for each item in count' checked
level list3
1 list1
1 list1
1 list2
3 list1
3 list2
5 list1
5 list2
5 list2
10 list2
10 item5
list3 also have 'Calculate from all levels <= PC's level' and 'calculate for each item in count' checked
you put 10 leveled lists 'list3' in one container, and all list have 'chance none' = 0
- level 1 and 2:
list1-> 66% to be chosen and in this list, item1 has 60%chance to appear, and item2 40%
list2-> 33% to be chosen and in this list, item1 has 40%chance to appear, item2 40%, and item3 20%
so we get finally:
item1: 0.66 * 0.60 + 0.33 * 0.40 = 53.33% chance of appearing
item2: 0.66 * 0.40 + 0.33 * 0.40 = 40%
item3: 0.66 * 0 + 0.33 * 0.20 = 6.66%
- level 3 and 4:
list1-> 60% chance to be chosen, in this list, item1: 50%, item2: 37.5%, item3: 12.5%
list2-> 40% chance to be chosen and in this list, item1: 37.5%, item2: 37,5%, item3: 25%
which gives:
item1: 0.60 * 0.50 + 0.40 * 0.375 = 45%
item2: 0.60 * 0.375 + 0.40 * 0.375 = 37.5%
item3: 0.60 * 0.125 + 0.40 * 0.25 = 17.5%
- level 5 to 9:
list1-> 50% chance to be chosen, in this list, item1: 50%, item2: 37.5%, item3: 12.5%
list2-> 50% chance to be chosen and in this list, item1: 30%, item2: 30%, item3: 30%, item4: 10%
which gives:
item1: 0.50 * 0.50 + 0.50 * 0.30 = 40%
item2: 0.50 * 0.375 + 0.50 * 0.30 = 33.75%
item3: 0.50 * 0.125 + 0.50 * 0.30 = 21.25%
item4: 0.5 * 0 + 0.5 * 0.1 = 5%
-level 10 and more
list1-> 40% chance to be chosen, in this list, item1: 50%, item2: 37.5%, item3: 12.5%
list2-> 50% chance to be chosen and in this list, item1: 30%, item2: 30%, item3: 30%, item4: 10%
item5-> 10% chance to be chosen (directly from list3)
which gives:
item1: 0.40 * 0.50 + 0.50 * 0.30 = 35%
item2: 0.40 * 0.375 + 0.50 * 0.30 = 30%
item3: 0.40 * 0.125 + 0.50 * 0.30 = 20%
item4: 0.40 * 0 + 0.5 * 0.1 = 5%
item5: 10%
Now, after the easy (

) mathematical explanation, how to edit list:
- adding new item to a leveled lists, and chosing the level at which they should appear:
8. On the right-hand side, there is a table with two columns marked 'PC Level' and 'Item Name' - this is the place where you put things that you want to be in the levelled list. To add an item to the list, click the tab in the objects window that corresponds to the type of item that you want to add (If you want to add a weapon, click the tab marked 'Weapon') the select a weapon from the list that appears and 'drag and drop' (left-click, do not release the mouse button, drag item over list, release mouse button) it into your levelled list.
9. Now that you've added an item to the list, it is automatically given a 'PC Level' value of 1. Triple-click the entry to allow you to change this value. Set it to whatever level that you want it to appear, taking into consideration what is the most appropriate level for a player to find the item that you have added.
Note that in step 9, instead of the triple-click, you should better do only one click, the press F2, then type the level that you want.
- removing an item already present in a leveld list:
click on the line of the item in the leveled list, then press 'del'
It was really a lot of time since I last made so much statistics, I hope I didn't made too much mistake.
Edit: a few mistakes...