AF Levelling Mod.

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:07 pm

I'm using the lastest version of the AF Levelling Mod (2.8.7) for the first time and I've just levelled, but what's confusing me is the level-up screen.

I equiped the ring when I left the sewers and chose the options I wanted and everything seemed to work fine, my stats where increasing as my skills did.

Then I levelled, and the level-up screen popped up, and I noticed that I could add to three stats (+2, +3, +4, etc.) as in vanilla. Is this working as it's supposed to? Just seems a bit strange that my stats increase while my skills do AND increase again when I level up.

I read up on the AF release notes and it says that adding to the Luck stat had been disabled but I am also able to do this. Strange.

Anyways, anyone out there who uses this mod and can clarify things for me?


I'm also using OOO and MMM overhauls and several other mods but none of which touch the levelling process, only AF.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:36 pm

AF Leveling mod is pretty old these days, and sure to have bugs like many of the older leveling mods

Id suggest nGCD or Realistic Leveling
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Kim Kay
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:10 pm

I wouldn't bother with AF Leveling. If you like how it works in principle, use Kobu's system instead. They both work pretty much the same way but KCAS is much more configurable and offers many more options. AF Leveling has been obsolete for a long time now.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:54 am

I wouldn't bother with AF Leveling. If you like how it works in principle, use Kobu's system instead. They both work pretty much the same way but KCAS is much more configurable and offers many more options. AF Leveling has been obsolete for a long time now.

Just about all of the older leveling mods have some type of incompatibility problem with fortification effects (examples being vampirism and the Skeleton Key, or if using the RealSwords mod)
I'd suggest you go for Realistic Leveling, nGCD or Oblivion XP which all work around this problem and are actively supported.
Wrye Leveling and SPAM also avoid the issue, but the respective authors haven't updated the mods or been active on the boards here for a considerable time.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:50 pm

Just about all of the older leveling mods have some type of incompatibility problem with fortification effects (examples being vampirism and the Skeleton Key, or if using the RealSwords mod)
I'd suggest you go for Realistic Leveling, nGCD or Oblivion XP which all work around this problem and are actively supported.
Wrye Leveling and SPAM also avoid the issue, but the respective authors haven't updated the mods or been active on the boards here for a considerable time.

I haven't run into any problems using KCAS other than a short period where it was kicking in sooner that it was supposed. But then I make it a point not to become a vampire and I'm not really interested in the Skeleton Key. Nor do I use Real Swords. I've tried most of the mods you've mentioned and I still like KCAS the best.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:03 pm

Just about all of the older leveling mods have some type of incompatibility problem with fortification effects (examples being vampirism and the Skeleton Key, or if using the RealSwords mod)

Is that fortification as in a weapon has say "Fortify 10 points to Strength" on it?

I liked the idea of AL Leveling, but had trouble uninstalling it so I'm in the process of reinstalling Oblivion and giving FCOM a shot.

I'm guessing that nGCD is similar to AL Leveling/KCAS (as in skill increases go towards attribute increases without the level-up malarky) but without the fortification problems? If so, I'll probably go with that.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:56 pm

I'm guessing that nGCD is similar to AL Leveling/KCAS (as in skill increases go towards attribute increases without the level-up malarky) but without the fortification problems? If so, I'll probably go with that.

Realistic Leveling, nGCD, KCAS and AL Leveling all uses the same principle of skills increases automatically increasing the relevant attribute(s), but only the two former (Realistic Leveling and nGCD) are updated with OBSE functions that is necessary to work with abilities like the vampire skill increases, mods that changes the races or birthsigns or mods that do things with skills.

So choose one of the former (unless you have the D2D version of Oblivion and cannot use OBSE). Whether you choose Realistic Leveling or nGCD is a matter of taste. The main difference between the two is that your class matters a lot in nGCD, and very little in Realistic Leveling. So if playing a jack-of-all-trades is what you prefer, choose Realistic Leveling, but if specializing is what you prefer, choose nGCD.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:13 pm

I'm guessing that nGCD is similar to AL Leveling/KCAS (as in skill increases go towards attribute increases without the level-up malarky) but without the fortification problems? If so, I'll probably go with that.

More or less, but you'll find your starting stats drastically altered using nGCD. In the default game all your stats begin at a certain base level so you can never go below those values, that being 30 points for each stat. nGCD does away with that and calculates your stats based on the mathematical formula used to determine the stat values. So depending on the class you choose and your birthsign, you might see some stats start as low as 18 or 19 instead of the usual 30. And other stats might be higher than what you're normally used to.
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