So, levitate was incredibly cool in Morrowind, but unfortunately did not work in Oblivion (or Mournhold for that matter) because the cities were implemented into the game in such a way that they were a totally separate area from one another. I thought the way Morrowind handled cities was incredibly cool, because you would never have to walk through a door to get into Vivec. If cities were handled this way, it could open up some interesting possibilities with what Skyrim could do with them. For example, it could increase the number of backwater towns that are there for atmosphere more than anything. In my opinion, towns like Khull, Vos and Hla Oad are what gave Morrowind its sense of big-ness, a sense that you really are in a living, breathing world, that Oblivion unfortunately lacked (except for maybe Hackdirt

On a separate note, Skyrim could also handle towns like Fallout 3 did, and make it so that you have to walk through a door to get into a town like Megaton, but simply walk across a bridge to get to Big Town or The Republic of Dave.
The only downfall of having a totally seamless environment is that it really wouldn't be
totally seamless. The devs would probably have to put in load times here and there to ensure things like the integrity of the graphics and draw distance. While I am tolerant to this sort of thing, perhaps the rest of the gaming community is not.
In any case, I got totally sidetracked in my excited stupor and really should just ask the question, do you think that levitate is worth the extra load times here and there?