I quite miss Levitation from Morrowind, especially when you needed to use it to get places(some dwemer ruins as well as most telvanni Strongholds). I'm not picky on the animation though, I personally see no need to change the "walking in the air" approach.
I agree with this. Levitation is awesome, and I'm perfectly fine with the walking in the air animation.
Levitation is probably pretty hard on enemies ai... not sure how it would be fair unless every enemy can knock you out of the sky or something.
The only enemies it was hard on were those using hand-to-hand combat. Archers could shoot at you just as easily in the air as on the ground, even moreso since levitating cut down drastically on your ability to dodge such attacks. Same with mages.
Besides since when is magic supposed to fair. The whole point of using levitation in a battle is to make it unfair. Surely you're not going to complain that you don't want shield or invisibility spells ingame either because they make it unfair for the enemy, what with not being able to see you. (Levitation also cost quite a bit of magic in Morrowind so unless you were a high level mage or stocked up on potions it was more for short bursts)