Levitation Bug

Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:57 am

I've posted my problem in the general discussion forum, however I was told I might have better luck posting here. To start with, here is my list of loaded mods from my .ini. It's a big list, I know.

GameFile3=Morrowind Patch 1.6.5 Beta (BTB Edit).esm
GameFile5=Texture Fix - Bloodmoon 1.1.esm
GameFile6=Texture Fix 1.8.esm
GameFile8=Ald Redaynia Extended.esp
GameFile9=Animated Morrowind.esp
GameFile10=Animated Soulgems.esp
GameFile11=Appropriate Greetings M - T - 1.5.2.esp
GameFile13=Balance - Character.esp
GameFile14=Balance - Magic Effects.esp
GameFile15=Balance - NPC Spellcasting.esp
GameFile16=Balance - game settings.esp
GameFile17=Balance - items.esp
GameFile18=Balance - spells.esp
GameFile19=Balmora Expansion v1.4+(1.4).esp
GameFile20=Balmora Un-Mod.esp
GameFile21=Barabus' fireplaces 2.esp
GameFile22=Better Clothes Complete (BTB Edit).esp
GameFile23=Better Clothes_v1.1.esp
GameFile24=Better Skulls.ESP
GameFile26=Bloated Caves.esp
GameFile27=Book Jackets - Bloodmoon.esp
GameFile28=Book Jackets - Morrowind.esp
GameFile29=Book Jackets - Tribunal.esp
GameFile30=Brittlewind Fix.esp
GameFile31=Building Up Uvirith's Legacy1.1.ESP
GameFile33=Changing Faces Replacer.esp
GameFile34=Clean Better Caldera.esp
GameFile35=Clean Ebonheart Interior Expansion.esp
GameFile40=Djangos Dialogue.ESP
GameFile42=Drug Realism.esp
GameFile43=Ebonheart Fix.ESP
GameFile45=Expanded Sounds.esp
GameFile46=GCD Over 60 level speedup.esp
GameFile47=GCD Restore Potions Fix.esp
GameFile48=GCD StartScript for Trib or Bloodmoon.esp
GameFile49=GCD better balanced birthsigns.esp
GameFile52=GH_ES1.3 Patch.esp
GameFile53=GH_Extra_ES1.3 Patch.esp
GameFile54=GUARD- REMOVER.esp
GameFile56=Galsiahs Character Development.esp
GameFile57=Gameplay - Dialogue.esp
GameFile58=Gameplay - Faction.esp
GameFile59=Give your orders v13.esp
GameFile61=Golden Gold.esp
GameFile62=Graphic Herbalism Extra.esp
GameFile63=Graphic Herbalism.esp
GameFile64=Great House Dagoth.esp
GameFile66=IceNioLivRobeReplacerPLUS (BTB Edit).esp
GameFile68=Journey's End 1.1.esp
GameFile69=Key Replacer Trib & BM.esp
GameFile72=MCA - COV Addon.esp
GameFile73=MCA - Guards Patch.ESP
GameFile74=MCA - Vampire Realism Patch.esp
GameFile76=More Better Clothes.ESP
GameFile77=Murderous Dreams_Safe.esp
GameFile78=NPC Functionality.esp
GameFile79=Naked Nerevarine.esp
GameFile80=Neo's Unique Creatures.esp
GameFile81=New Argonian Bodies - Mature.esp
GameFile82=New Khajiit Bodies - Mature.esp
GameFile83=New Veloth's Judgement 2.esp
GameFile84=New Voices.esp
GameFile86=Nudity Greeting Expansion V1.esp
GameFile87=Nymeria's Faster Walk.esp
GameFile88=Nymeria's Monthly Respawn.esp
GameFile90=P.R.E. v4.0.esp
GameFile91=Particle Arrow Replacer.esp
GameFile94=SU_SW Comp. Patch.esp
GameFile101=Sleepers, Awake!.esp
GameFile102=Statue Replacer - Normal.esp
GameFile103=Suran Waterfront V-5.1.esp
GameFile107=TLM - Ambient Light + Fog Update.esp
GameFile108=TLM - External Lights Ownership.esp
GameFile109=TLM - Light Sources (Clearer Lighting).esp
GameFile110=TLM - Light Sources (Lanterns).esp
GameFile111=Thirsk Expanded.esp
GameFile114=Unique Banners and Signs.esp
GameFile115=Unique Jewelry and Accessories.esp
GameFile116=Unique Tombs.esp
GameFile118=Uvirith's Legacy Book Jackets Add-on.esp
GameFile119=Uvirith's Legacy_Final_2.0.esp
GameFile120=Vampire Realism II - BM Add-On.esp
GameFile121=Vampire Realism II - TB Add-On.esp
GameFile122=Vampire Realism II - VE Patch.esp
GameFile123=Vampire Realism II.esp
GameFile125=Vampiric Hunger - SU.esp
GameFile126=Vampiric Hunger Base.esp
GameFile127=Vampiric Hunger Extended.esp
GameFile128=Vampiric Hunger MGE Addon for MGE 1.11+.esp
GameFile129=Vivec Expansion 2.0.esp
GameFile130=Vurt's Ashlands Overhaul.esp
GameFile131=Vurt's BC Tree Replacer II.esp
GameFile132=Vurt's Grazelands Trees Bushy.esp
GameFile134=Water Level Fix - Full.esp
GameFile135=Westly's Master Headpack X.esp
GameFile136=Windows Glow - Bloodmoon Eng.esp
GameFile137=Windows Glow - Raven Rock Eng.esp
GameFile138=Windows Glow - Tribunal Eng.esp
GameFile139=Windows Glow.esp
GameFile140=You violated the law 1.5.esp
GameFile142=almalexia armor.esp
GameFile145=correctUV Ore Replacer 1.0.esp
GameFile149=ring_teleport v2.2_Dubious.esp

Now, here's my problem. After I activated the Shrine of Daring (To Stop the Moon), my levitation has been broken. I try to levitate, it just has my character stuck in mid-jump, and the sound that plays when you land a jump keeps playing constantly. When I hit the rest button, it lets me rest, instead of saying "You can only rest on solid ground", but my character does have the levitation effect and even the little purple circle effect underneath my character appears.

When I reloaded a save just before activating the Shrine of Daring, I was able to levitate successfully. When loading a save just after, my levitation was broken. And when I activated the shrine with the pre-Shrine save, no problems occurred. This leads me to believe that I broke my levitation due to some weird bug because IIRC, I was in mid-air when I activated the shrine, and my character also absorbed the blessing due to being womb burned (Atronach Birthsign).

If this is fixable at all without reverting to that old save, please help me! I would lose about 20 hours of gameplay, and I really don't want to do that. Don't ask me how I went 20 hours without noticing this problem, because I have no idea, but I can't use levitation at all and my character is a member of House Telvanni for Pete's sake!

I have tried to explain my problem in as much detail as I can, but if you need anything else to try and help me, please don't hesitate to ask! I tried to get a screenshot to show you, but my MGE isn't letting me enable screenshots and I already tried manually editing the .ini, still no luck.
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:37 pm

isnt that the one that gives you levitation for 24 hours? try activating it then NOT casting levitate, wait 24 hours and then cast levitate.
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:15 pm

Yes, it is the shrine which gives you the 24 hour levitation blessing. But I'm not sure you understand my problem. I activated the shrine to fulfill the Seven Graces Pilgrimages, and this was over 20 hours of gameplay ago. Now, I realize that my levitation does not work. I traced the problem back to this shrine.
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 5:55 pm

I believe that is a bug from the original game. I remember seeing warnings the first time I played to save before starting it (activating the shrine) and to make sure you don't have any levitation working on your character when you do. Have you got the code patch (MCP) installed? I believe they tried to fix this.

All I can suggest is that you wait the full 24 hours (in-game) and then attempt to cast a levitation spell and see if they both deactivate when the one you cast (a short one if you have it) finishes.

You could also go into the console commands (tilde) and "SetFlying 0" and see if that works. That should disable the levitation.

Otherwise, my only suggestion would be to go back to an earlier save.
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Taylah Haines
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:06 pm

I believe that is a bug from the original game. I remember seeing warnings the first time I played to save before starting it (activating the shrine) and to make sure you don't have any levitation working on your character when you do. Have you got the code patch (MCP) installed? I believe they tried to fix this.

All I can suggest is that you wait the full 24 hours (in-game) and then attempt to cast a levitation spell and see if they both deactivate when the one you cast (a short one if you have it) finishes.

You could also go into the console commands (tilde) and "SetFlying 0" and see if that works. That should disable the levitation.

Otherwise, my only suggestion would be to go back to an earlier save.

I know of the bug where levitation is persistent. My bug is different in that any time I use levitation, I don't actually fly. It's like I'm hovering, but I can't move upwards, only frontwards, backwards, and side to side. And I am stuck in mid-jump. I have no problem with levitation not wearing off, it just doesn't work.
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Rude Gurl
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:33 pm

Hmm. Then, perhaps use the console to setflying to 1 or 2 and see if that helps. If it works, set it back and try casting the spell normally afterward.
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:59 pm

When you donated to the shrine, have you been in God Mode (TGM) or something like that? If so, you'll have to bite the bullet and go back to the older saves.
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:22 pm

When you donated to the shrine, have you been in God Mode (TGM) or something like that? If so, you'll have to bite the bullet and go back to the older saves.

No, I wasn't in god mode, but I DID absorb the levitation blessing with my 50 spell absorption from being an atronach.
I remember absorbing the blessing before and this not happening, though. Weird if that caused it, but I'd believe it.

I tried using setflying, didn't help. In fact, when I used the setflying command, my character didn't fly or hover or anything. Not sure if that is working as designed, since I don't use the setflying command too often, but seems odd to me.

If nobody else ever encountered this bug, I might be screwed and just have to go back to the old saves. Really a shame, but oh well.
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:45 am

No, I wasn't in god mode, but I DID absorb the levitation blessing with my 50 spell absorption from being an atronach.
I remember absorbing the blessing before and this not happening, though. Weird if that caused it, but I'd believe it.

I shouldn't think so, spell absorption never has been an issue for me before. There is another bug that I remember. If you touch the shrine at midnight of the last day of a month...
Also it could be that you just have encountered another new, savegame persistent glitch there.
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james kite
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 1:12 pm

I shouldn't think so, spell absorption never has been an issue for me before. There is another bug that I remember. If you touch the shrine at midnight of the last day of a month...
Also it could be that you just have encountered another new, savegame persistent glitch there.

Yeah, I have absorbed the blessing before with no problems, so I doubt that's the problem. But I guess I have found a new glitch in a decade old game. Lucky me, huh? At least I know now to save before using the shrine and make sure levitation works after I use it. Add it to my long list of 'make sure a game breaking bug doesn't happen' precautions I've gotta have when playing this game, lol.

If anybody comes up with a magic solution go ahead and post it. But since that seems unlikely, I'm going to revert to my old saves.
This is the trouble with finding a new bug. Nobody else has had it, and nobody else can fix it usually, but at least it's interesting.
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:26 pm

Have you been to mournhold? You may have inadvertently left a mournhold cell without the levitation ban being lifted. This could be caused by TCLing through a door you shouldn't have or a script that didn't finish working properly. I can't remember the console command of the top of my head, and a quick check at UESP didn't show it, but I know it exists. IIRC it's "enable levitation" (without the quotes) but I'm not sure. :) Maybe someone else will remember it. :)

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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:16 pm

Hmm. Then, perhaps use the console to setflying to 1 or 2 and see if that helps. If it works, set it back and try casting the spell normally afterward.

This actually worked once I did it right. I had previously only tried typing "setflying 1" and "setflying 2". When I used "player->setflying 1", my levitation worked! If I use "player->setflying 0", my levitation is bugged again, but I have left setflying at 1 with no problems so far, I don't constantly fly or anything, so my levitation must be REALLY weird, but it works.
The cause of this bug seems to be that I hit the Shrine of Daring while in mid-jump.
So a word of warning to any Tribunal Temple Initiates! Never activate shrines while jumping, it displeases Almsivi greatly and you will have to spend a whole day trying to appease them in order to continue your travels!

Thank you guys a lot for helping me fix this problem!
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