Levitation Mod?

Post » Sun May 22, 2011 2:46 pm

I heard about a MOD that adds the levitation spell among others in the game, named Flyfightflea's but I didn't find any way of downloading it (404 errors and stuff like that).
So is there a way to get this MOD or any other MOD that can add the levitation spell. I also heard about a cheat code that can make you fly or something (would be apriciated if you could tell me wich that code is) but I don't wanna use cheats.
Btw. I have Shivering Isles installed and I'm using OOO (of course) since it makes the game quite epic.

So to put it swift and simple; I'm looking for a MOD that works with Shivering Isles and OOO installed and adds the levitation spell.

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Bek Rideout
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Post » Mon May 23, 2011 2:57 am

I heard about a MOD that adds the levitation spell among others in the game, named Flyfightflea's but I didn't find any way of downloading it (404 errors and stuff like that).
So is there a way to get this MOD or any other MOD that can add the levitation spell. I also heard about a cheat code that can make you fly or something (would be apriciated if you could tell me wich that code is) but I don't wanna use cheats.
Btw. I have Shivering Isles installed and I'm using OOO (of course) since it makes the game quite epic.

So to put it swift and simple; I'm looking for a MOD that works with Shivering Isles and OOO installed and adds the levitation spell.


Both LAME (I think) and Supreme Magicka have levitation spells. Midas Magic also comes with similar spells. TCL will toggle collision and thus make it possible to "levitate".
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Post » Mon May 23, 2011 3:15 am

Both LAME (I think) and Supreme Magicka have levitation spells. Midas Magic also comes with similar spells. TCL will toggle collision and thus make it possible to "levitate".

Then I take it that supreme magicka is compatible with OOO?
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 5:09 pm

Then I take it that supreme magicka is compatible with OOO?

Yes, it comes with an OOO patch plus you can have OOO settings via the ini as well.
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Jessica White
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 11:22 pm


12) Levitation Magic (version 1)

Adds (Expert Level) levitation magic to Oblivion. There is only one spell which can be purchased from Raminus Polus, the "Wings of Kynareth". Levitation only works outdoors in Tamriel, outside of major city cells. If you use an open city mod, it will work in cities too, but never in interiors. It doesn't work in water either and the effect will cease if you enter water or interiors.

Updates: This plug-in was never updated as this is the 1st version....

Not sure if LAME has levitation (but something close to it like jump boosts), but Supreme Magicka has Expert and Master Levitation spells.
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