Levitation in or out

Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:32 am

I have read some topics about levitation and got the impression that many people who don't want levitation to be in Skyrim don't always seem to really know how it works in the game. Yes, it might seem that being able to fly is nearly cheating but imo levitation worked well in Morrowind and gave the game a lot more depth. Sure it gave you the option to complete the main quest fast if you already knew what to do, but I still don't see levitation to be overpowering, game breaking or nothing like that in Morrowind. So if they did it back then successfully why can't they do it again?

I'm not a fan of this Morrowind vs. Oblivion debate, I love both of them, but I think that you can't really know how levitation plays out in the game if you have not played Morrowind.

So this poll is to find out if I'm right with my awfully generalizing assumption about people who don't want levitation to be in Skyrim. :)
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Chloe Botham
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:53 pm

Bring it back! I don't want to have to jump up mountain sides or run around it anymore....
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:10 am

Yeah, Climbing mountains were hard as killing Satan and returning alive, and on Morrowind AND Oblivion! :banghead: :flame:
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A Lo RIkIton'ton
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 1:14 pm

no thx didnt think it then, would like it even less now, think the series has evolved any from it, i maybe wrong, maybe just my opinion
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:41 pm

I thought, and still think, it is a silly spell the way it was. Why do all the mages in the game bother to walk anywhere when they have the ability to fly? Make it seriously underpowered and give it a time limitation between uses and I might consider it worthy of adding back in. Mages aren't superheros and shouldn't be able to fly from one end of Skyrim to another. If you really NEED that cheating ability, buy the PC version and toggle off collision.
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:04 pm

Levitation was useful and in some cases essensial to get to places. Like the Telvanni Towers. However I'd rather see Jump or Slowfall make a return than Levitation, in the very least Slowfall as that actually had a use even if admittedly it was broken in Morrowind you needed an effect of 1 for it to work and you could fall down from the top of The Ministry of Truth without breaking you legs.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:16 pm

levitation was in sense at least dagger fall, and maybe even in arena, not sure since it ran so slow I stopped playing in 5 mins. I believe we want it back now more than ever, with a vast new world to explore it will be GREAT! (not to mention aerial combat with dragons :D)
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 1:12 pm

All they have to do is balance it. Change Magnitude to the maximum height you can fly up and then either make so you can't attack or if you get hit the spell automatically ends and can't be re cast til you hit the ground so you get fall damage.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:45 am

I liked levitate in morrrowind. I really liked how it was needed for certain areas. I hope they included it, but dont make it necessary to finish the game, but make it necessary for some loot and special dungeons and challenges and such.
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:28 am

The only limit to how high and long you can use levitate should only be your power to control it! If I have made myself a super powerful wizard with loads of magika reserves I want to use that power as I see fit. Even if it takes me to the moon! :D Not to mention becoming a mage like that is a limit in itself, you have to sacrifice many things to become that strong making it your only goal! never even learning to pick a lock :(
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:17 pm

I would love for levitation to make a comeback; I just didn't like the animation being the walking animation.
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 6:23 am

Well Levitation would be welcome!
With a new animation though,
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:02 pm

Voted option 3. The following is just copy paste from a previous thread on the subject.

No, because of a lot of reasons.

First of all, it will make hard to reach places much easier to reach in a LOT of cases. Therefor allows less exciting level design because players will be able to fly anywhere. Steep drops in mountain ranges are no longer threatening because you can just fly past them. Climbing the 7000 steps to High Hrothgar? Lolwut, I'll just levitate up there in a few minutes. Yes, I am aware you can disable it in some areas but that won't feel really immersive.

It will also unbalance combat. Yes, you can grant the spells to NPCs. But can every single enemy cast it? No. Most melee creatures and non-range/magic NPCs (which I estimate is at least 50% of your normal enemies) will not be able to do anything to you while you range cast them to death.

On top of that, it will force some stupid limit near the edge of the map. Morrowind just had endless water which allowed you to go on endlessly, but Skyrim will need borders. Most of these are probably going to be mountain ranges with guarded gates in passes which you can't get around. Levitation would allow you to fly over them or there'd have to be some stupid reason why you can't use it near borders.

It worked in Morrowind and I liked it, but I'm personally happy it's gone and will probably stay gone.
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neil slattery
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:47 am

Yep. Nothing says depth like bypassing the entire game and killing everything by floating above them and pummeling them with spells.... Levitation, like spears and extra armor slots in Morrowind, were exploited easily. I'd be fine with Levitation coming back if it constantly and rapidly drains your magicka so that you can only get about 50-70 feet in the air and 30 feet in any direction. This would allow you to get to certain ledges you normally couldn't get to but would let you abuse it like in Morrowind to bypass any chance of combat or just levitating and killing enemies with magic from up in the air or shooting arrows at them. Levitation shouldn't allow you to fly as high as you want and forever, it should be a very limited levitation that will allow you to get to the next ledge and nothing more.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 3:51 pm

Yep. Nothing says depth like bypassing the entire game and killing everything by floating above them and pummeling them with spells.... Levitation, like spears and extra armor slots in Morrowind, were exploited easily.

Again...it's a single player game. How is levitating out of range of an enemy and shooting spells at them not a legitimate combat tactic in a single player game? We have to be fair to the poor NPCs? And if you choose to bypass the game with levitation...isn't that your fault? Honestly, what's the argument here?

I do think levitation should be high magicka cost spell...but then the most powerful versions of it were in Morrowind so that's not really any different. /shrug.

There's no legitimate reason not to have levitation other than it forces the developers to design the world with it in mind. :poke:
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 9:28 am

I do hope levitation returns, yes, it was more than just a convenient spell for getting over mountains, it also allowed for creative environment design that wasn't possible in Oblivion. The Telvanni towers were one clear example, what better way to paint characters as powerful wizards who don't need to follow real life rules than to have them able to function normally while ignoring things we take for granted like stairs. However, you could also get places where you'd have some nice loot hidden on some out of reach ledge that you could easily overlook. That's the sort of thing lots of Morrowind dungeons have, but Oblivion simply couldn't do. And if Oblivion had levitation, we wouldn't have to deal with those extremely annoying situations where Bethesda tried to artificially make the already annoying Oblivion gates longer to finish by having the tower right there, taunting you, but between it and where you are is an impassable barrier that can only be bypassed by going through a really roundabout path through a long network of caves, if this is the kind of "exciting" level design that levitation "Wouldn't allow for." then I can do without.

The balance issues with levitation could mostly be adressed by improving the way AI responds to it, as the main reason why AI was overpowered in Morrowind was that you could levitate out of reach of melee enemies, thus making them harmless. If NPCs see you levitate, they should used ranged weapons or spells if they have them, and NPCs should be able to cast levitation spells themselves if they have the necessary skills. NPCs who don't have ranged weapons or magic should pick up a ranged weapon in the environment if there's one available, or run, and not just run around in circles not knowing what to do, but run to a place that's safe from you or where you'd be forced to move closer to the ground, within reach, or run to their friends who do have a means of ranged attack. In short, levitation only becomes overpowered when the AI is too stupid to know what to do when you use it.

Aside from improving the way the AI responds to it, the main change I'd like for levitation is a more natural looking animation for it, I'm not sure what it should look like, but definately not the walking in the air Morrowind gave us.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:13 pm

I have played Morrowind enough to know how levitation works in it and I want levitation back but modified from the way it was done in Morrowind (Please specify)

I would like Levitation to be used by NPCs for escape for a better challenge. If I can cast it on enemies stupid enough to follow me, then watching them fall to their deaths when the spell wears off would probably take a while to get old.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:19 am

It needs to be hugely expensive. No using it to fly for an extended period of time, but you can perhaps use it to reach ledges, or hover briefly. You need to only get access to it late game, and it needs to drain your mana like a sonofa
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 4:59 pm

It was just too easy to exploit in Morrowind.

It would need some way of 'nerfing' it in Skyrim to avoid the temptation to simply fly around shooting fireballs at enemies and reaching places without any challenge.

There's also the issue of whether it could be done practically - the issue of whether cities are going to be part of same worldspace, or in separate cells etc. Without resolving that question, we can't know whether it is even feasible to allow Levitation to exist.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:47 am

I want levitation ONLY if there are some restrictions to it.

I don't wanna be able to levitate all the way up the Throat of the World... or any other mountain.
It kinda feels like cheating :(

However I did love levitating in Morrowind in dungeons to find stuff high up, otherwise unreachable. That was awesome.
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 1:58 pm

There's also the issue of whether it could be done practically - the issue of whether cities are going to be part of same worldspace, or in separate cells etc. Without resolving that question, we can't know whether it is even feasible to allow Levitation to exist.

The easy way around that is to give enclosed cities and the space around them the Mournhold treatment. It is at least lore correct for the capability to prevent levitation to exist, so if the powers that be want it, they can do it.
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 9:44 am

I'm not that keen on levitation to be honest,yeah it has some uses,but its better gone in my opinion.
I would like to explore and walk around a mountain or whatever rather than fly over it,unless i was mounting a dragon of course :)
Also it would be boring levitating up out of danger just chucking fire balls etc,without any risk....seems boring to me.
The would have to counter act that if levitation came back,allow enemies to knock you out of the sky etc.So there is a risk of death from the fall.
Dragons would be a threat to levitating too,enemy mages should be able to do it aswell.
Also possible that a strong wind effect your control over direction,maybe a risk of being struck by lightning too.
It would have to be really balanced to fetch it back.
But in all,i'd say i aint bothered it's gone to be honest.
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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 7:40 pm

Levitation was never overpowered.

You need serious magic and a high speed for it to be of much use.
It was a 45 pt spell. if youre a Nord warrior, youll have 100 spell points.
Magicka did not regenerate.

Only way it was overpowered is if you purposely built it to be so using enchantments like the boots of blinding speed.
And if you purposely break the game and then complain its overpowered, you really have no argument at all.

So no more talk about that, kk?

Levitation was da bomb. Ive searched every nook and cranny of every bit of the map looking for nifty handplaced stuff.
That was the awesomeness about Morrowind. Finding an Ama Nin on a ledge high up. Or a deadric helmet high up out of sight above an ancient burial ship beneath a tomb.
Hours Ive spent on oblivion, circling around mountains, trying to get to the other side. Constantly saying this mantra: Levitation, levitation, levitation,

With established lore stating its rediscovery, I fully expect it to be in. And yay.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 12:00 pm

Levitation would be awesome, both in combat, transportation and for fun, BUT, it should require much more mana. In fact, you shouldn't be able to levitate for much more than maybe one minute max if you're not an uber-powerful mage. Otherwise the landscape won't feel as epic and intriguing, if you can simply float over the mountains.
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 1:16 pm

The real problem with Levitation is not the balancing aspect, it's the technical aspect. Things like separate cell cities and certain dungeon designs just don't work if you have the flying option. There's also the extra work needed for the A.I. to react correctly to a flying player.

Concerning the balance aspect, would you consider it overpowered if the average duration of levitation was between 10 and 20 seconds? With 60 seconds being a god-like duration? Coupled with a high magicka cost, the spell wouldn't be easily abused. (since enchanting was chained down and neutered, there's no need to balance that aspect)

For the technical aspect, I guess we'll have to wait and see the direction they choose to take in Skyrim.
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