What I want for TES:V
(okay this is from a different post, All my Stuff LexCondran= is underneath Olix's posts )
(they are highlighted by **then my stuff i said...)
Character creation- Make character creation better and easier to use. In Oblivion there was VERY many sliders, and moving one would change another. This made it hard to give your character the look you wanted. Getting rid of that issue would greatly improve the character creation experience.
**yeah that was annoying in oblivion where youd move 1 slider and they all moved it was annoying
- More hairs, and more customization options for hairs.
**Yes definetly need more hair styles since there was pracically none it was annoying as well
**Id say theyd just let the player make their own hairstyles and save them to the game by making tons of options so your can make any hair you wanted
**this would just be friggin awesome since you could save ones you liked and share them with friends
- Customize your characters body. (examples: fat breton monk, slender dark elf assassin, broad shouldered orc warrior... or whatever you want to make)
**yeah being able to be a fat dark elf would be fun but being a skinny twig orc would be hilarious. maybe add liverspots and freckles by choice lol
- Choose a voice for your character, instead of the standard voice for each race.
**yeah all the voices in oblivion really were dull and sounded the same except for Khajiit and Argonian, id say being able to choose your pitch of your voice
**by that i mean like in soulcalibur 4 you got to choose if the voice was HIGH pitch or Low pitch that would be cool
Skills- Get rid of the "abilities" at levels 25, 50, 75 and 100. The ones in Oblivion were unbalanced, and the magic skills was probably the ones suffering the most. Getting rid of these would be a step in the right directions.
**NO never that is just wrong the abbilitities were just so awesome it made leveling up thsoe skills worth it
- Add new skill/attribute related abilities and perks at level-up (like in Fallout), as quest rewards, and to buy from trainers.
**....ITs TES not Fallout 3, Perks are in oblivion you get them when your level up your skills lol...all oblvion needs from Fallout 3 is the gore
- More skills. I want medium armor, spear, short blade, and axe skills back.
**not medium armor Unarmored, but Spear yes it would be cool to use Throwing knives and Shurikens again and watch them explode on contact like in morrowind, But Axe and Short blade are in Blade and Blunt skills it makes it more balanced
- Get rid of, or modify the minigames for persuasion and lockpicking, and make these things more character skill based than player skill based.
- Morrowind classes (5 major and 5 minor skills, the rest misc skills).
**7 major skills is better because there arent that many anymore
- Crafting
**this is somehting i want alot to be able to get resources and make armor/weapons/potions/food
**like Farming,woodcutting,Mining,Cooking,Armormaking,Weaponmaking skills. this would go with alchemy the potion makign skill thats awesome
**also i was thing about Fletching for making arrows/bows and Crafting to make pots and forks whci would actualy be useable
**unlike morrowin and oblivion TesV forks and jars Etc. could be used like youd need them to make food and eat it too
**you could use crafting to make vials to make potions as well as jar could hold wine and water or milk =]
Combat- More advanced combat involving kicks, shield bash, dual wielding, mounted combat etc.
**mounted combat is kind of what oblivion lacked as horses were completely useless, They were slow and died to fast
- More advanced sneaking, with more options on how to move and what to do with your unsuspecting foe. More Splinter Cell- like. :ph34r:
**while splinter cell was cool, um that was splinter cell not oblivion while being able to some cool things like climb up stuff woudl be awesome
**i was thinkkin like assassins creed style to where you automatical would climb over boxes and up walls and stuff making TES more interactive
- Instant kill when attacking sleeping characters while sneaking.
**that would be too unfair and not offer up a fight, if it was possible id say it would be an ability at lv100 unlocked for being a master sneak
- Able to combine skills. Do special moves based on more than one skill. (example: fly kick based on hand to hand and acrobatics etc.)
**kind of weird but sounds fun
Magic- You can try to cast ALL spells, except for the ones you don't have enough magicka for... with this comes the ability to fail, of course.

**uh no in my opinon this is a bad idea and oblivions magic was better it made you need to level up
- Magicka regenerates (like in Oblivion).
**it always regenerates unless you had stunted magicka
- More spells, like in Morrowind. I want levitation, swift swim, intervention, mark & recall, jump and a lot of other spell effects back.
**all spells but levitation due to the way they made oblivion unless they changed that in TesV then it would be cool
Items- More weapons and armor to find, and more unique items. Instead of having all kinds of armor and weapons easily acquirable when right above level 20, TES:V should have challenges and new gear available for characters well beyond level 30, or even 40.
- More ingredients and misc items.
- Misc items like farming equipment usable as weapons.
**awesome as in oblivion tons of things had no value where they should have been at least worth 1 gold so they had no point
- More freedom to customize what you look like with items. Scarves, capes and other accessories.
- Able to wear clothing under your armor, or even on top of it depending on the type of clothing. (example: a shirt goes under your armor, while a robe can be both under and over depending on what you choose.
**okay this is cool but robes would always go over armor and shirts under.
- More armor pieces, like left and right shoulder pad, glove and boots.
UI- User interface with smaller icons and text, that gives you a better overview. This should also be customizable.
**i was thinking you should have been able to chose your own Ui theme from like 10 different ones in the options menu where Brightness was
**it was sad that Brightness was the only option availabe lol
- More hotkeys while in your inventory, or while bartering. Instead of moving your mouse to click on "yes" you can press a key on your keyboard.
**??? sounds weird as oblivions stylings were cool and easy
World- The whole world does not level with you, some things do, but most things don't.
**this would make the game to easy a leveling world is awesome that keeps the game interesting and not boring and easy
- Get rid of the easy fast travel. Travel using a mount, a spell like recall or intervention, or travel with a boat or another travel service from one of the cities.
**are you serious Fast travel was jsut the most awesomness thing since you know if you got stuck in a wall or rock you could use fast travel
**but id say you should be ablt to fast travel where you havent been you should go there first to be able to fast travel to it
- Make the world and the cities larger. Add more settlements. Add more npcs to these places as well. Large cities should have fast travel options (like the gondoliers in Vivec).
**... thats a lot of work for bethseda and would take up alot of memory space but would be cool to have a bigger world
- More interesting underwater life, with a larger diversity of species, and landscapes to explore underwater.
**definetly the water was still and lifeless i rarely saw anything at all underwater it was dead and empty
**Tes needs more Fish and Sharks and Crabs and Dregh
- More voice actors, and more voice variations to create more unique npcs.
**This would require a bigger payroll and thats a cost to Bethseda
- More topics to talk about.
- Open cities.
**? cities are open but i think you mean open like in morrwind
- More houses to buy, in each town or settlement.
**id say you should be able to become the world owner by buying every npc's house like in fable and then renting them out for cash
**then your rent would be delivered to the house income offices whered you buy your first house
**this would lead to you being mayor of the city or King of the land
- Consequences. Your actions can do a lot of changes not only for yourself, but also the other inhabitants of Tamriel. Major choices in quests can change the world completely.
- More dialogue options in general, and new dialogue options depending on attributes and skills.
- Several ways to complete quests, some good others not so good. :flame:
**Yeah id say 3 ways to complete every quest, Good, Neutral, Evil this would effect your ingame rep and change the world as well as your character
- Being a vampire unlocks new quests factions and places to stay. You do not become stronger when not feeding, but weaker.
**nah feeding makes a vampire stronger and immune to sunlights burn but you should hav a side option to feed on dead bodies and animals to
**quench your thirst
- Possible to become a werewolf. This as well should have positive benefits such as factions and quests.
**Yes definetly i want to be a werewolf again it was awesome but it broke in morrowind and i could even become one anymore.