Alright guys so idk how many people out there i play with or how many people may know me As InnovatingGamer AKA Gamer.. But recently i just made a clan LFDT Live Free Or Die Trying.. Ok so i have about 4 people on the roster so far including me. I have Chapugusman, Defeck, UnwantedUchiha and myself. You can find all these people in my friends list on xbox live. So i was apart of the real famous clan NFCT but i decided to go on my own since not many of NFCT members play crysis anymore. But that isn't the point. If you still currently play Crysis 2 multiplayer Send me a friend request and let me know if you want to become part of LFDT. I'd really appreciate all the help and support i can get. If any of you guys have any thoughts to share with me or anything in particular please let me know so i can be of help

I am a really proud to have started my own clan and i couldn't of done it through my experience of NFCT.. I owe my thanks to you guys. Ok so if any of you seem interested reply back or message me via xbox live. Thanks- Gamer
P.s. I plan to carry out my mission onto Crysis 3 and that is to "Eliminate all targets" other clans except NFCT (brother clan)