I doubt it is just you. Currently we are working on new content as well as updates of previous releases. However none of the projects are ready for release at this time. We are not in the habit of (and have no inclination for) maintaining a work-in-progress thread. This may give the impression that we are no longer active. It makes no difference if people think so. We will update when we are satisfied a mod is completed and dispel (at least for awhile) the impression that the project is dead.
There isn't even a forum area or anything to see what's being worked on. (Well there is, but only for feedback)
The progress page of our website is maintained by a non-active member so it is not convenient to update it regularly. We will update it when our current project town (Ebonheart) is released. Another progress page is maintained for internal use, but I will not release a link to it. We also have a private forum for our members. As I wrote before, we do make work-in-progress announcements. Time spent writing about our progress is time not spent making further progress. Such discussions distract and interfere with the creative process. I understand that many in the community might like to read about what we are doing if only for the assurance that we are still active. The proof will be in our next release - and that day will come sooner if we do not have to spend our limited resources discussing it.
Nothing is needed - we have writers, scripters and construction set jockeys. If we required new models and textures we would solicit help.
Such business is usually conducted privately. However we have such a backlog of work on existing projects that we are not going to start a new project at this time. It is unfair to the writers that have work that is ready for editing, scripting and testing to turn our attention to another town. In fact it was probably a mistake beginning Ebonheart before we had checked a few more items off of our list.
Our highest priority is maintaining the mods we have already released. The sooner we resolve all of the bugs in our existing installments the more time we will have for creating new content. It is difficult to estimate the amount of time spent chasing down the bugs that frustrate our users, but perhaps half of our energy is spent maintaining our mods. However this effort pays dividends. Two years ago the percentage of our efforts was much higher. To have someone investigate a conflict between LGNPC Tel Uvirith and The Rise of House Telvanni would likely shut us down for weeks given no details of the nature of the conflict and having little or no knowledge of how either mod was created. Until it is verified that a problem exists we will invest our resources elsewhere.
Many of our users are annoyed by spelling and grammatical errors in our work so we are engaged in a massive editing effort to identify and eliminate those errors. It was thought at one time this would not be necessary since substantive updates of the earlier installments would take care of that matter. However such updates have excited responses covering the spectrum from indifference to anxiety so we are suspending progress on Gnaar Mok, Ald Velothi, Hla Oad and Ald'ruhn, and other updates will not be initiated. This renews the importance of editing of those original mods.
We offer no details or timeline for our next release except that it will be a multiple release when it happens.
Edit: Forgot this one...
Am I to understand that you want to perform LGNPC Vivec Redoran quests involving Toris Saren and than assassinate him - cold-blooded, dude!
The official greetings concerning the Morag Tong quest are above the new LGNPC greetings so the alarm is raised. However they (official entries) are filtered for the journal index of the Morag Tong quest. You can open the console by pressing the tithe '~' key and type:
SetJournalIndex MT_WritSaren 0
This prevents the official entries from being displayed. However I did not dig very deep (partially because it is not clear what you are trying to accomplish) so there may be side topics that will still create issues. After you have used the Saren family and household for your own selfish reasons you must change the journal index back to advance the Morag Tong quest:
SetJournalIndex MT_WritSaren 10
There may be consequences to killing Toris Saren even following this plan. Some LGNPC dialog will check for Toris Saren living. Since nothing happens in Morrowind that is not a result of the player's actions you will likely be condemned for his death and perhaps even expelled from House Redoran. If it is your first offence your standing in the House can be restored (after completing a quest if you are running Pax Redoran).