Liberation Of Skyrim

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:20 pm

I didn't see an area to post bugs so I just chose this board. Here is the issue I'm experiencing:

Quest: Liberation Of Skyrim
Sub-Quest: Liberate Falkreath

So after I completed the Battle of White-Run and talked to Ulfric in WindHelm he told me to find a hidden camp for my next quest. So I go to where the camp used to be and it's completely gone. I checked my map and the marker and icon is gone as well. So I do some research and find that the camp is invisible. You can see traces of where the camp use to reside because the flags on the map that was on the table was still hovering in the air and are actually click-able. It says at the top "Map Updated" but it doesn't really do anything. So I am stuck on this quest and cannot progress further because the camp and NPC I need to talk to is gone. I finally found him over at the Stormcloak Reach camp but when I talk to him their is no "reporting in" option. He just blabbers the same thing over and over.

Here is my notes from the blog as well to help you trace down the issue:

Noah said on Monday, November 28, 2011 at 2:20 pm:

Please fix the glitches on the Stormcloak quests. To be specific, the “Liberation of Skyrim”. Right now I can’t progress past “Liberate of Falkreath” because the camp i need to go to to talk to the NPC is completely gone and off my map as well, with no marker. I’ve tried everything including the console commands to bypass it but I rather not miss out on this important story line. Thanks!

Noah said on Monday, November 28, 2011 at 2:25 pm:

I also would like to add things I have tried:

-Talked to Ulfric several times
-Tried going into the under water prison (no quest update)
-The NPC i need to talk to is stuck in the Stormcloak Reach camp, with no “reporting in” option when I talk to him.
-Checked outside the Fort and no stormcloak soldiers are there waiting.
-The falkreath camp is invisible, and I know this because I can see traces from the map hovering in the air (the little flags)
-Tried talking to people in Markath.

Noah said on Monday, November 28, 2011 at 2:37 pm:

One other thing I remembered if this helps you find a resolve:

When I did the “movetoqt CWObj” command, to try and rez myself to the correct camp it takes me to Dragonsreach near that stormcloak guard that is guarding the dragon. I’m not sure if maybe I have progressed to far in the story line and that is what made the camp disappear or what.

Noah said on Monday, November 28, 2011 at 2:39 pm:

Also is their a reason why you don’t have a support section for Skyrim on your main web site? It only lists your previous titles..

Noah said on Monday, November 28, 2011 at 2:47 pm:

I forgot to add that some times during the loading screen “traveling between places” the game will crash to the desktop. Then that amazing steam window pops up showing advertisemants. This is also happening on my gf’s computer as well so I know it’s not a hardware issue. Are you working on a fix for this as well?
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:45 am


After 2 days of frustration (thanks Bethesda), I FINALLY figured it out. The ID for the main quest is "CWObj" but each sub-quest is labeled as just "CW". So when I did "SQS CW" it showed that the last stage was 256. So I simply entered the commad: "setstage CW 256" and guess what? It only completed the sub-quest and not the entire quest line. I was able to speak to Ulfric again and continue on the the Liberate Reach quest.

The bug in the game (PC version) is that the Stormcloaks have already taken over the Fort and that is why the camp is gone and no stormcloaks are waiting outside to attack it. Because the glitch does it behind the scenes, probably when I had went to sleep or rested while having the quest active. Anyways I hope this fix helps someone else and they don't have to spend 2 days looking for an answer. I posted 3 times on all 3 Bethesda forums and received no help. What does that say about Bethesda support?
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