Well, this thread is now kitted out with a new name, lets start! I'm the ThePistol, probaly no-ones heard of me

~What content should I expect?~
A new non combatant faction, a mini adventure diving into dungeons for rare books, New buildings, Some new meshes and textures from resources and hopefully a finsihed working product
I have literally just started this mod, with the help of the communities fantastic idea's. There has been some progress
progress report: Basic exteriors of lumber mill & and library complete. Now I thinks its time to stop. I'm tired and I dont want to fluff up now
~Possible ideas so far~
Taking in all the suggestions already, especially Ghastleys, Exiztence and far327, I believe that 2 seperate areas for the libaries I'd include. The lumber mill in the Colovian highlands is where all the paper shall be made, then it is transported down to Anvil, where the main Libary is. Down in the basemant, workers exhaust themselves copying books, sorting out papers and managing the transportation of books to pre-ordering customers. Above the basemant, the main libary resides. Many assistants stay in the main area to assist and sell books to other customers and also send workers to transport books to the Anvil docks to be loaded onto their personal boat, The Sea Worm. The player will have a chance to work for the company by either, completing tasks set out like transporting papers from the mill to Anvil, taking books to the docks or, Go hunting in the dungeons and caves for those rare treasures. Eventually, you'll rise through the ranks and become the manager. You'll earn roughly 500 septims every 3 days and can send other workers and adventerurs to do the dirty work. Plus as a manager, you'll recieve books from budding authors hoping to get their novels accepted and put on the shelf.
~Hmm, what other stuff have you done?~
some work from dungeons of Cyrodiil - http://s947.photobucket.com/home/thepistol
I'm taking a break from the current mod I'm working on, dungeon building gets tiresome. if anyone thinks this is any good or has some constructive criticism to pass down, please do! It's always nice to use the imagination of the community

If you wish to help on making the borrow script, some new meshes or textures or just build the libary, please say
I give my thanks to far327 for being brilliant at supplying ideas and also searching for resources

I give full credit to everyone who supplies fantastic ideas!
Credit to mr siika for his resources
Credit to bethesda for the game