1. Tons of script errors involving the use of reserved keywords as local variables, ie, float random, long position, both of which are scripting commands, etc,. (I made too many misc fixes to list them all, but it was all minor stuff, like, if ( doonce = 0 ), was changed to the proper if ( doonce == 0 ), etc,.)
2. Crown of Souls: This was breaking for me, throwing expression errors, etc,. I fixed that, and a few issues with it's OnEquip code, it also had some issues with it's soul eating code, ie, ( RemoveSoulgem "soulgem_type" count ), count is invalid for this function, according to MWEdit anyways.
3. There may have been a bug that could cause you to miss levels of powers(ie, you get sorcery level 2, skipping level 1), I haven't really tested this out, but the code didn't look very reliable, so I updated it.. (Can't really call it a fix, since it may have been fine, but it's probably better now, at any rate.)
4. Fixed the "Reduce Notoriety" greater power, it reduces the bounty on your (disguised) human form, however, if cast it while in lich form, it basically wasted a days use and didn't apply the bounty reduction. Now it does, your human form bounty is properly reduced no matter what form you are in when you cast the spell. (I'm sure this is what the author intended, since the lich bounty is hardcoded to be at least 8,000, so reducing it would be kind of pointless since it can never go below the hardcoded limit.)
6. Removed lot's of debug messages. (ie, body check NULL, etc,.)
7. Made a few changes to the Lunar Chaneller, it seems to be working properly now. (Before it would sometimes say, you can do the power ritual on day 120, and then, when day 120 came around, it switched to day 140(or whatever), causing the ritual to fail on day 120(day 119 at 11pm technically, since you start the ritual one hour before midnight on the night of the full moon.. Yeah, it's confusing..)..
I'm basically just playing the mod, and fixing issues as they arise, if you are interested in getting this patch let me know. (It will be an .esp replacer, the original mod will still will be required.)
If you know of any other issues, or bugs in the mod, let me know, I'll check em' out while I'm working on it.